The least desirable M+ spec?

Queuing as my Arms Warrior, worst thing they can say is no.



Personal experience, haven’t seen good dps from a marks hunter in ages, just assumed it had been nerfed or something. Plenty of survival and BM though, most doing great dmg.

I did say it was a guess.

Kyrian Affliction Warlock … The best key any aff lock has timed is a 23 this season, and for kyrians, 20. Two weeks ago the best kyrian aff lock key was a 17, but I guess someone bought a carry or got their friends to take them through. It’s actually the worst spec and covenant combo in the game for M+ right now.

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Arcane is fine for M+ it’s mostly the stigma

Not saying affliction is good, but this is what we call selection bias that is common in this type of data.

Destro is very strong right now, and pretty much every good player is playing it (or demo since that’s really strong in raids right now).

Good players who understand the game play the best specs.

So you really think those warlocks doing 28s or 29s couldn’t do a 26s affliction if they tried?

Tank: warrior
Healer: mist weaver / disc
Dps: feral

People say affliction but you won’t have trouble getting in groups because people will assume you are destro. For dps feral is the least desired I believe. It’s been least desired through several expansions so people have it locked in their head that feral is bad at m+. Ideally it doesn’t perform as badly as people think, but in reality it performs even worse many cases. It’s a difficult spec to play and you see a pretty polarized ranged of skill with ferals. They tend to be either straight garbage or godly without much middle ground.


Worst performing and least likely to get invited are not necessarily the same.

For example, BM hunters are not that great, but people probably still invite them, thinking they are MM or survival.

If you are going for least likely to get invited, I would say it is probably shadow priest, ret pally, and dps DKs because all of these don’t have much utility and don’t bring important group buffs.

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huh? most people know MM absolutely blasts even if it’s not as flashy on trash as sv

varies a bit and they do get invites on tyrannical weeks. i’ve seen solid spriests do 25k ST on bosses. obviously not as useful on fort!

Feral druid easy. Ret pally or shadow priest I would say is next.

Mistweaver if you’ll heal.

Mistweaver, Ret, Beast Mastery, Assassination.

They don’t like ret, shadow priest, or feral druid. I’d say those 3 are the hardest to get into keys as. Feral at least brings B-rez so sometimes they will get taken to fill the last spot in a no brez group. Ret and S-priest don’t have either of Brez or Lust. Hardest outright I’d have to guess S-priest but everyone has their preferences among the hyper non-meta.

For sure

This hurts my soul but at least I can heal too. Which is fun.

Now that I have KSM, I get into a fair amount of groups (8 15/16 - for my weekly disappointment vault) as a BM hunter. We do still bring lust at range which is handy depending on the comp (also aoe slow, st slow, st stun, interrupt).

I think people just haven’t caught on to how OP survival is. I just saw a good one double my dps last night (at least on aoe - overall was closer to 15-20%).

Then there is the matter of just changing/regearing or learning a new spec. I already have KSM, is it really worth it?..meh. Luckily BM/SV share stat priority, so it might not be too bad (just trinkets probably).

100% Spriest, honorable mention that on bursting weeks Spriest shoots up for me. Feral is the meme but I do think others have it worse, if the perception of Feral wasn’t always bad they would be better off the an several specs.

My friend played it some but gave up for destro. Kind of sad affliction is in such a bad spot.

Neither do a lot of specs. I can’t really remember the last time I’ve taken a Warrior if other options exist. I have taken Ferals for utility on weeks like Raging and Sanguine.

Fury is #3 on the list of best damage in that linked post above.

They need to nerf warrior threat. I can’t tell you how many times in keys I see warriors take aggro from the tank and die instantly. Whatever happened to plate armor? They wear plate but die so easily


I run saved by the light & hold bop for dps warriors on my hpal.

Every time it’s warriors causing stress. Lol

Any class is good at lower keys, ive never seen a feral in a 3k+ key and maybe 1 to 2 ret pallies in S3.

Their damage is trash compared to meta classes surv hunter/destro lock.

With lust on hunters and brez on warlocks there is legit no reason to bring a feral or ret over those 2 classes.

This is true, but by the same logic you have to factor that into the assessment of affliction. It’s a bad spec because the option to take a better spec has no barrier. If anything, saying Affliction can do 20s is misleading.

They shouldn’t be doing anything if Destro is that much higher.

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