The least desirable M+ spec?

Yeah this is why my vote would be to play disc priest or aff lock. Not only are they bad, but the group would actually be upset that you catfished them with your class in the group maker.


Which is more a pug mentality think then being able to perform the required throughput for the content.

PuG is the truest expression of talent though.

Being on Comms, with veterans, who have the correct gear and spec…that’s not as hard as making the freakshow pug group successful.

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Freal druid,ret pally

lmao true.

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is it kitty cats?

i dont think ive seen even 1 this season.

For Spellcasters: Affliction Warlock.

For M DPS: Outlaw Rogue.

For Healer: Mistweave Monk.

For Tank: Warrior.

In special, Affliction Warlock is probably the most miserable experience, as people will invite you expecting Destro or Demo, but once they notice (or you say) that its affliction, and you won’t play Demo or Destro you will get kicked.

Outlaw also have this, but seems to be less drastic.

Healer and Tank, due to being less common roles have an easier experience being invited even if they less desirable specs, while as Dps you compete with a few hundred different people.

They can and have done 23s. Some of the best affliction warlocks in the world are destro/demo mains who try to grind score on alts. But I imagine they don’t get very far because it’s quite depressing to do less aoe damage than your healer.

The best aoe sims for affliction locks are about 17k.
Compare to demonology which sims for 34k:

The aoe balance is so horrendous that a perfect demonology player is equal to at least two perfect affliction players.

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Afflic seems like it has the lowest key ceiling and with its 2 other specs being far superior might run you into a lot of kicks and declines.

All driven by mythic+ only having 1 significant damage profile which is burst aoe.

Which kinda requires every spec to be homogenized into great burst aoe if Blizzard wants to “balance” an infinite scaling difficulty system at levels WAY past where the rewards stop.

It was really funny to watch the 5 survival hunters stacked for mythic Anduin all get benched for mythic Jailor.

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I vote Affliction.

Why do you not like prot war

Prot Warrior.

Straight up never run into them.

Ret paladin, Outlaw Rogue, Feral Druid, and Spriest probably see the least play time despite being perfectly functioning specs

I can honestly say that I have no desire running with a level 10 Shaman, so you’re already on the right path.


Affliction warlock/feral druid probably.

feral, two rogue specs, arcane, and affli are at the bottom of the barrel

1> Are you a Destro Lock or a Surv Hunt?
2> Do you have Lust?
3> Do you have a BRez?

If you did not say “yes” to any of these 3 items, don’t apply.

Stop trying to push your scientology on the rest of us.

They’re not perfectly functioning though.

ive seen an OCE affliction lock pushing really high numbers last night in a +17

i was surprised but i guess there’s always going to be some exceptions.