The least desirable M+ spec?

I’m currently 2991 io and once I hit 3k that char will be going on a holiday.

Looking to play the least desired and worst performing m+ spec to take to 3k next as a challenge.

What we thinking? Who does LFG hate?

Everyone is hating red pallies rn. I think I ran with like, 1. That’s it. I don’t see very many.

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feral druid


I’ll make that two.

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Shadow priest

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Whats a feral druid :wink:

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Gonna go with spriest

I have not seen a single decent shaman dps this season, either spec.

Ehh MW and marksman are fine.

Feral slaps, idk what you’re talking about.

I’d say boomkin is definitely known for doing healer damage outside of incarn. Also shadow priest and outlaw rogue don’t have good reputations.

But my winner is affliction warlock. I think with that spec people might actually flame you in chat and ask why the hell you aren’t playing the OP lock specs.

I’d go aff lock.


Added benefit of angering people that you’re not using one of the most dominant specs in the game.

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Yeah if he’s interested in healing I’d say you’d piss people off playing as disc priest too.

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ferals don’t get inv’d to keys wdym


Bm hubtard

MM is more desirable than BM. I’d say it’s survival > MM >> BM, all three bring lust and similarish ST, BM just has weak AoE/cleave outside of cds, MM’s is solid, survival’s is bonkers.
I’d replace it with ret pally, add spriest, feral druid, prot warr (as undesirable as a tank can be).


Are y’all running keys? Now granted I’m not 3k or anything but ret and feral in the keys I’m in are doing great damage.

Ret pallies can put up some gooood numbers, Ret is one of my favourite class fantasy’s and a good Ret (which I’m not) can absolutely slapppppp - they’re very rare tho. Seen 1 Ret this whole season.

Spriest seems a winner atm and by winner I mean loser but you hear me

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They’re fine, just at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of competitiveness.

edit: forgot arms warrior and sin rogue. I haven’t seen either in PvE this patch.

So does Arcane mage and yet…

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Arms doesn’t see much action these days.

you can also check