The least desirable M+ spec?

Weird to see surv still the least popular hunter spec…

It’s the most popular by a lot for high keys.

Could play a mistweaver. I haven’t truly enjoyed my fave spec all expansion. Always feels clunky, awkward and unfun.

Mistweaver hasn’t been fun since MoP

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Bring back mistweaver chi

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I feel kinda silly because I don’t have a real answer to this. Seeing all the flamerino for all the specs that aren’t the top like 5 or so is kinda sad doe. When i’m forming keys the only real consideration I give is whether I have enough kicks that are decent. I guess I’d say outlaw rogue or arcane mage? Don’t think i’ve seen either of those.

its not that people hate them, its just the holy and prot are so much better rn and also its easier to get into a m+ group by being either a healer or tank.


BM hunter might be worst performing but you’ll get tons of invites anyways from people not checking your spec, or just plain needing heroism and not caring if you suck

Feral Druid, Ret Paladin, and Mistweaver Monk will be the least desirable in terms of being invited

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Pretty sure MM is fine. The 4pc is absolutely destructive in AoE, I know 3k MM hunters who have had no issues.

Shadow Priest is probably a big one in my opinion, Feral Druid, Enhance Sham on fort weeks, and Affliction Lock in general.

Actually if I was to rank them probably Affi, Shadow, Feral, Enhance.

As a MW monk I can admit I had more trouble then expected getting into groups. Season 2 I had no issues but season 3 it was like I had the old ZG plague and no one wanted to get near me.


Also more that as a dps that can’t provide substantial utility you will typically be overlooked compared to classes that can provide lust or battle rez.
And considering two of the strongest dps bring both of those there is not much pointin going further down the barrel.

I could get on board with chi. They could even go the lazy route and make it like holy power. Melee spells build it, spend it on healing spells. Would definitely curb some of the high mana consumption mw has.

I’ve got to ask…what made you guess MM hunter? :man_facepalming:

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Probably feral.

SP / BM / Feral / Combat / Affliction

MM does 20k+ dps, they’re fine.
Ret does better then average dps.

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just ran a 20 SD with a spriest

was a 2 chest he did 11.5k overall

his ilvl i think was 275


Lol I know. Shadow isn’t an easy spec to play. I love it because it’s fun but the average player can’t handle it. Also doesn’t bring a lot of mythic+ utility

I’ll make that two.

Worst performing DPS are:
21 Feral
22 Outlaw
23 Affliction
24 Assassination

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Probably feral druid or ret paladin.