The 'Leak': New Race - Dragonkin!

On that note I’d love to see a Dragon-capital. :smiley:

On other notes, via Roleplaying - I know a bunch of Rogues would feel great satisfaction in being a Black Dragon roleplaying it as being so all along - having worked for, and tricked Wrathion in the Cataclysm to believing he was the sole-survivor at the time. :open_mouth:


Might be right. We still need to see what change Azeroth got sinse we left. Cause they said time pass different so maybe few years passed and some cities been rebuild

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I don’t believe leaks from 4chan until they are confirmed by legitimate sources

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Yup,I wonder if we could do the same .


This already happens a lot. i’ve seen my share of people RPing as dragons in humanoid form. :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s so common that I have “secretly a dragon” on my bad RP bingo card


And that’s how you know its 1000% fake.

Naturally, I know this for certain - I’m one of them. :joy:
Love roleplaying my priest as a Dragonflight Priest. :grin:

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Dragons would be an amazing race. I hope the leak is true


I hope the leak is true too, but I hope they also bring out more playable races, I’d love to see Ogres, Tuskarr, Vyrkul, San’layn, Sethrak etc all one day become playable.

WoW has such amazing unique races already in Azeroth we’ve all helped, some already allied with the factions, while they may not draw huge publicity like playable Dragons they’ll definitely be players wanting these.


Having a questline in a Dragon-Themed expansion to continue out the role of each flight would be cool too. :open_mouth:

Like a CoT dungeons/raid, Emerald Dream shenanigans, securing dangerous magical artifacts stolen from the Nexus etc. :smiley: — Would be super fun roleplaying when being the Dragonflight of ‘X’ role and fulfilling them out with a party as well. :slight_smile:

We need Murlocs


Imagine the Dragon-Isles having mutated Murlocs - from the Dragonoid energies of the past, introducing to you: Dragonoid Murlocs.

Khadgar will be livid.


Only if demon hunters get it as well

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. . . Meh, I’d still prefer alliance vrykul and horde ogres, gimmie those and I’d be more inclined . . . then again as someone from moon guard who has encountered REALLY bad dragon role players I am hesitant.

First furries, now scaleys?
Microsoft may as well just bundle the WoW sub with a DeviantArt Premium subscription.

who says that wasn’t the plan all along. :face_with_monocle:

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A big part of me would happily retire every character I’ve ever had for the ability to have dragon characters. Horde or Alliance, pick your color, change your mortal form at the barber shop. That would be so much fun.

A tiny part of me is terrified of the idea because my home server is Moon Guard.

Too bad it would never happen. :frowning:

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Microsoft took over, next class is Spartan!

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Please guys, Moonguard will always be Moonguard. You could create the most plutonic race possible and they’d be rising their eyebrows up & down swiftly, ready to ship.

I mean honestly, wouldn’t be surprised if someone from Moonguard was the one that created the ‘Fun Fact About Vaporeon’ thread on the internet.

I remember that’s what a lot of people said about Legion too. I’m not diving it as 100% certain, but certainly not deeming it as 100% impossible either.

Honestly if there’s a reoccurring event or very-soft-retcon I do actually enjoy from Blizzard, it’s that one lol – On that note, it’ll be cool if other small characters we’ve encountered in the past came out in confession they were a Dragon all along from various flights. :open_mouth:

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