Black Dragonflight was chosen by the Titan Khaz’Goroth and given dominion over the earth and the deep places of the world, with such they had intensified strength & raw power too.
As for the rest, in simple terms their dominions were -
Im quite sure next expact will be more about Light/void and nethrazim along the way.
Naaru have been hinted in Ravendreth. The netrazhim stole the guy and we never seen him agains so something about that will happen.
We still missing the Nethrazim hidden into the nature realm whoever she/he is.
We’ve seen Elune speak via Tyrande even though it was weird.
The statue of many faces via Korthia also hint few things. Like the 7 covent what the six have. Who are the 6 and who is the 7. My guess 4 are the cov leader. 5-6 would be Elune and her conterpart. 7 would be the jailer. Even if it might not be sinse the 4 covenant + Jailer are robot apparently
I think it’s coming but not next expansion if Blizzard is to be believed. They stated that they were going to do a more grounded expansion before continuing on with the cosmic stuff.
There’s a dozen Light / Void expansion threads on the forums + there’s a good probability that might be the case too - in some cases a few leaks are revealed two expansions behind, so ‘Dragon Isles’ could even be after a Light/Void expansion.
– But if there’s a sliver of a chance they’re still in development stages of bringing Dragons to light (Pun intended ) sooner or later - I’d love for them to consider the many, many benefits of bringing in all the flights to playability.
Well according to the leak, you can be all original classes and all races, so you can be your Dragonkin/Worgen Shaman combo!.
But I’m more curious to see how they are implemented, if the leak is true (all speculation till Blizzard confirms anything), is Dragonkin the answer to loosening race restrictions, it’s soppose to have two forms like Worgens, but does combat transform you back or like the Dragonflights we have now able to choose which form we fight in?.
So technically you could be this Dragonkin race but choose to fight as a Worgen Shaman. It’s interesting to see how they’ll implement it.
Also I’d hope to see all Dragonflights as customisations, rather then the leak is, which is just Black, it’s well known the player base loves customisations, the more the merrier.
Edit: What makes the leak more believable is the Wrathion image for Hearthstone Mercenaries, in the patch notes scroll down and find the Gold Portrait of Wrathion, he turns into a Dragon/Human Hybrid which is completely new to Warcraft.
Could this be a teaser of what’s to come?, because it looks insanely awesome and goes hand in hand with the leak.
So I have a feeling that it’ll be like Vanilla sorta in a way. Not the difficulty but how there isn’t really a big bad and the expansion just focused for the future of the game. I could see that and I think it’ll be accept if they break the 2 year new expansion mark in 10.0 for the sake of the future.
We should get some info on the Light/void at the last patch, and more either old enemies or new enemies in different patches. I would love to see the Defias Brotherhood return or the Grimtotem.
But we should be getting a new continent which is the dragon isles. There should teach us the history of the cosmos and the universe. It could teach us about Elune and Anshe. Maybe even the first ones. I could see some of it being the Void as well. But I would love for Galakrond to come back as a final patch.
Well, you can still pick between your various druid forms with the artifact appearances + barber shop if you’re not a fan of them – Much like the Zandalari.