That’s not layering, you just outleveled the vast majority of players.
They actually need to crank the layering up. Westfall is a mess. Every farm and camp and beach is overcrowded. Everywhere you go there’s a dozen people.
This is also why zone specific sharding is better than layering since you can specifically control crowded zones where layering can lead to some zones being empty and some overcrowded in the same layer. They went with layering in classic over sharding to placate people who ranted and raved about sharding, but those same people just complain about layering now, so they made the system worse for no real benefit to anyone.
I played on a private server ran by russians out of their basements…it easily held 20kish players and functioned great…yes there was lines for things, yes the game was different and it made some things more difficult but it functioned just fine. If it worked then it could work now.
I also felt the balance was good, or even could use a few more layers. Just join a guild and you’ll always have plenty of folks to play with. Make some friends, etc.
I very much enjoy not having to wait around all day to tag mobs.
good balance? when you’re going to do a quest and there’s nobody around? dude, go play single player game. these layers makes the game looks dead
Just type in LFG - never had an issue finding people all the way to 50 so far. Not hard to find literally anyone for any zone to do quests with. Layering needs to be in hc, especially for a vast majority of the community that wanted the SSF playstyle.
It is a very good compromise by Blizzard to have done it the way they have for everyone that plays it. Find friends, find a guild, be social in LFG and its no problem.
they just need better servers that can handle more than 5000 people
That’s not the issue at all, you just wouldn’t want that many people all together at the same time because it would ruin the game experience.
Oldschool server models are trash because of population balancing issues that can’t be solved in any other way.
Layering isn’t ideal, per zone sharding would be much better, but classic purists ranted about that so much they made Blizzard come up with a solution to a problem that wasn’t actually a problem and layering is just worse than sharding because it leads to zone specific population issues.
Each day I play HC it’s a roll of the dice whether I’m essentially entirely alone in a zone most of the time or standing around waiting for mobs because there’s a dozen+ people all doing the same quests.
If you use a layering approach you should at least let people manually swap layers when in town so if they’re in a bad layer they can walk to an inn and click a button and pick a different layer.
The LFG channel is not layer locked and can be used to invite players into your layer. If you’re still bothered by that, guess you should have made in-game friends to play with.
Uh, I logged in 5 minutes after launch and there was a sea of gnomes and dwarves. It took hours to go from level 1 to 5 that first day. So, I’m not sure when you’re playing or which server, but our experiences are quite different.
Now, I will say that at this point, even the gnome starter area has thinned out quite well, but there are still plenty of people to group with and talk to.
Your reply insuates knowledge of how many people are on a given official layer or server. You don’t have those numbers, only Blizzard does.
As for your Russian friends, if they did such a good job, why are you here?
No, it doesn’t.
layering has nothing to do with queues dude
a server still has a max number of players it can handle, no matter how many or how few layers.
If you think they wouldn’t have queues without layering and just leave 10,000+ people together in one layer as they all stand around waiting to tap enemies I don’t know what to tell you. You may just not know what you’re talking about at all.
This isn’t really relevant at all to what’s being said. You could also trick players behind the scenes in ways since they have cross-server tech and can play together in the same layer/shard. IE: you could show players no individual servers and seemingly all be on one super mega-server together. They could all still play together as well since the game has had cross-server zones for over a decade.
this is called projection
I’m sorry that you don’t understand there are multiple reasons why they may use a queue and without layering you absolutely would choose a lower cap than you were physically capable of having to avoid congestion.
It’s not rocket science. Think about it a bit and get back to me once you realize you’re entirely wrong.
Hey just so you’re aware now that there’s less layers leveling before 40 is impossible now.
Layering on an era server would make sense since the crowd from Westfall will become the crowd for the next zone.
For HC servers, zone specific sharding makes more sense since most of that crowd from Westfall will never leave Westfall. It’s a graveyard.
Except that’s not happening now, and zones like STV are unplayable.
You missed the point! With all these layers, the game looks dead. All the joy of the leveling comes when you see other people going on the same journey as you.
I don’t want to get into that channel full of spam, I want to see people in the open world and click invite.
You can do SSF if you see people around in the world, nobody is going to force you to group up if you don’t want to.