The last day of 9.0.5

I did play it, and you are doing a very good job of portraying yourself as a moron, or troll, I simply pointed it out.

Rose tinted glasses are rarely accurate, the game is far better now than it was back then.

Classic and TBC being absolutely crushed in terrible gear within a few days should remind you of how bad the game was from a skill perspective back then.

Again, you dislike WoW, just go to the FF forums and discuss the game you enjoy with like-minded people.

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Nobody returned to Classic for difficulty I will agree we returned for community which has been long lost in retail. Nobody even talks to eachother in most dungeons anymore it’s kinda sad.

or any patch.

Playing wow to level 10 is a good cut off to judge wow.

Absolutely not. Wow is the worst it’s ever been.

A 15 year old game that has been figured out and played on private servers for 15 years is beaten in one day?? :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

I dislike modern wow.

It didn’t used to take a million or more gold to level up crafting.

Haha as usual you’re incapable of having an actual conversation.

All you have is mindless hate and trolling. Enjoy it for two more weeks I guess, assuming you actually leave as promised.

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Just not interested in disingenuous wow pandering. “Oh you can craft a BiS item with a profession” except that it takes grinding a system in order to use.

“Grinding” for a week or two. You children claim to hate “modern” wow but you couldn’t cut it for five minutes in the old days :joy:

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See it’s this type of dismissive posting from the “wow is great” side of things that makes me want to post the hate.

Nah you’d do it anyway, that’s the kind of pathetic person you are.

This is just the natural reaction you get.

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You know me? Funny, I don’t remember telling you anything about me.

Anyone that has any criticism for wow gets brushed off with the typical dismissive attitude. I see it all the time. You’re not the only one.

I’ve seen your trash in every thread for the last few weeks. For someone who’s done with the game you expend so much energy dumping on it’s truly pitiful to watch.

Like, this was a positive thread and you just couldn’t help coming in to be a spiteful little troll.

It’s not hard to get a read on your character, bud. This is clearly who you are.

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I recall reading a recent blue post stating vault rewards on the day S2 starts will contain S2 iLvl. Has that changed?

How can vault rewards from S2 be given on the first day of S2? Vault uses the previous week.

Imagine if they actually fixed things that are regarded as Legacy content like they’re supposed to.

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Oh no…someone takes 10-15 minutes to post something online…HE’S EXPENDING SO MUCH ENERGY AND NO LIFE POSTING!! :roll_eyes:

From a known “wow is perfect in every possible way” poster.

Armchair psychiatrist. Don’t quit your day job.

I’m fully expecting what you say to be honest.

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Let’s see, you have 43 posts today alone.

Yeah that’s a pretty sad expenditure of your time my dude lol. I don’t have to be an “armchair psychiatrist”, I’m not trying to diagnose why you’re trash. I’m just calling a spade a spade.


Good info, probably a different post elsewhere that I read. It’s a little tricky keeping up and dates are inconsistent, such as (note the “updated” date). Hopefully things continue to improve on that front.