The last day of 9.0.5

What will our keystone from the vault be tomorrow? Anyone know?

I’ve been seeing so much conflicting information… everything from -4 key levels, to -5 key levels, to -0 key levels. Even dratnos doesn’t seem to have a definitive answer.

Oh I feel the same way about those that adamantly defend wow no matter what.

Tomorrow’s keys will (should) be same, the drop will be next week when S2 starts.
Current thought is get at least a 19 done this week, 20 or above just to be safe.

Also remember in S2 you need a 15 or higher for 252 in the vault, up from a 14 in S1.

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When you actually look at their history, most of that came in the past few weeks too. Had someone earlier tell me look at your 4k count, I’ve been here for years!

Their earliest post gives me a chuckle though, so excited for that last BfA raid and what class would be best, slightly differs from the “I’ve hated everything forever” narrative wouldn’t you say?

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Erthan, that’s…pretty much what I would’ve said.

Seconded. I’m enjoying SL very much. I play with my guildies. We have had fun in every part of the content. Liked the raid. The dungeons aren’t my favorite of all time, but I like 'em. Love the mogs so far. Love the mounts, the pets, and the toys. Love the zones. I like the flow and that it’s okay I didn’t grind everything to max like life depended on it.

Yeah. I like SL. It’s on the top side of fine. I think by the time we get to 9.3, it’ll be Legion good.

Yeah they’ve been posting pretty frantically. It’s funny to picture them steaming at their computer.

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Says the person with 10.6k post.

Compare the rate of posting, cupcake.

I’ve been here for years, like Alakhai said.


Cupcake? I thought I was trash.

Cupcakes are trash.
Muffins are better.

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Oh man, you don’t even understand what demeaning pejorative addresses are?

Or were you perhaps deflecting from the fact that you don’t have a real comeback?

Those are fighting words, sir.

Always with the dismissive arrogant posting. I’d hate to have a real conversation with someone so arrogant…

Maybe you two should get a room. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


If by room you mean The Octagon, then I agree.

We’ve already established that you’re not capable of having a conversation.

As for arrogance, it pales in comparison to someone who can’t just let people enjoy things without sticking his opinion into every conversation.

Fine, I’ll just put him on ignore and deal with the weird holes in every thread for the next few weeks.

God I hope he actually quits.

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That’s just because every point I try to make is met with dismissive arrogance.

Do you understand the concept of a public forum?

I futzed around on a few characters but didn’t do much. If the patch takes as long as they say I won’t be able to get on until Wednesday. They say it will end a 6pm for me. I have to do Mom things. Can’t have people starve. I need to grocery shop. I’m going to cook a pot roast and pre make a crockpot of chili so I can pop it in Wednesday morning. <—Mom stuff. (boring)

Lol, lets do the new content so we can do old content, when that old content should already be legacy content and easily soloable.


It wasn’t meant to be an insult, just a legitimate observation… The same people who defend the current trajectory of the game are the same people with the most to say… Almost like they live to argue? :thinking:

Ugh I cant wait till tomorrow. been waiting for so long. cant wait to finally be able to mount up in the maw, no more stupid eye of the jailer. Maw actually might be tolerable now.