The Kick System is TOO LOOSE

Will I have to worry about getting brez’ed too much?

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You can’t do this in my group even if I was a jag.

I’m curious how you think this could be done? What’s your idea to improve it, not just “make it better”. But how about an actual suggestion. And then the kind folks here will poke holes in it.

I think 4 people can choose to group with whoever they want and shouldn’t be forced to group with undesirables(for lack of a better word)

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The real problem is, every time a kick is initiated, everyone’s only too eager to click yes without even having a reason.


I’ve been leveling a mage as Arcane recently and I thought I was doing it for RP purposes, and if I was smart I’d be Frost in crappy gear and FIre in good gear? Is Arcane meta now? RIP

EDIT: I did think it was funny that I kept pulling threat without being a pet class or a mongo melee, but I assumed that was just because the tank was learning.

Not having the ability to kick was terrible. You’d wait 15-20 minutes to get into a dungeon, only to have the tank or healer sit down at the entrance and pout stating “this dungeon sucks, I’ll wait 15 minutes in here so I can re-queue for a better one”. Saw it happen all the time with the ICC dungeons.

I will agree however that I think a drop-down menu would be a little better than just typing whatever into the field, and for certain things maybe the option to actually tell the person getting kicked the reason behind it.

That said, I’ve seen some hilarious kicks in LFR. Someone demands “kick the hunter for being AFK” and then finds themself booted. Good times.


unless the person is clearly afk, i’ll always choose to not kick… just because i’m a contrarian.

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Today we kicked a tank for not pulling the final boss of Mogu’shan vaults to the door, and when his replacement arrived, we said plainly why we ditched our last tank, and he was like “why wouldn’t you pull him to the door? That’s how it’s done.”

We ran another dungeon with him afterwards. Good times.

EDIT: Clarifications:

  • He was told
  • We had wiped twice, the first time not only not pulling to the door, but he pulled the dogs too, and couldn’t put out the AoE DPS to hold threat on them.
  • He couldn’t move out of bad while fighting the Weaponmaster the normal way.
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This is true. I got kicked from a group recently, first time in a looooooong time actually.

Was leveling a horde alt, and I queued into Underrot. See where this is going…? Anyways, we pulled the two adds before the third boss and take them to the boss…we obviously died. And I specifically died from the adds. Some druid says that we need to do mechanics of the boss (which is true) and we died because we didn’t do them. I told him I died to the adds and next thing I know I was kicked. LOL

It was honestly a favor. They weren’t going to down that boss…

The alternatives are far worse.

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I’ve literally seen people being kicked for no reason at all just for being from Ragnaros… it was sad they were decent players too.

what a stupid reason to kick someone


I do think it’s sad how many customer relations employees they let go - all to save a few bucks.

I used to really enjoy interacting with GMs - they’d always take the sting off having to put in a ticket with their fun quirks and sense of humor, and they seemed more involved in the community at the time, as well…

Now, it seems policy has changed - they’re either robots, or so utterly chained to a script they may as well be robots.

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having leveled multiple characters to 120 in the past couple months through dungeons… including several that are VERY much not meta specs, the only way you get kicked is if you are repeatedly doing something wrong, or just standing around not doing anything at all.

no one cares about meta through lvling, no one cares about meta in LFR, no one cares about meta through heroic or even mythic 0. and once they DO start caring in M+ the only way your getting kicked is if you are legitimately so bad that they feel they could complete the run faster without you.

get better at your class/spec (no matter what it is) and don’t be a nob to other people in group, and you will never need to worry about getting kicked.

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Most of the time you’re kicked for a reason, either it was a petty reason, or a very good reason you just don’t realize.

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You are literally the scum that pollutes queued content. I think the door strat is unnecessary anyway as well.

But I do insist, get off this forum alt please. Yes, I am salty/upset at people like you who use the kicking feature like this.

I personally can’t stand how I see vote kick used. I don’t get kicked, but when I see the pop up “Remove XYZ from the group, Reason “I hate him”” it is honestly disgusting. VTK does serve a purpose to remove afk/rude people but unfortunately it also works in the other way.

If you have an actual reason to kick then by all means, but because someone messed up once or is not taking the most efficient route that they don’t know about? Please, just guide the player and they will know in the future.


I didn’t initiate it and I didn’t click yes (I thought about it and it went through without my vote).

Won’t work. If 3/4 people want a person gone from their group then that person needs to go and they need to be able to easily make them go. If they make it harder to kick someone, the group will likely just harass the person until they go.

And there is all sort of not obvious harassment, such as not healing people.

So this part of your statement isn’t correct, even someone who has never kicked someone else can see what would happen.

Very toxic way to try to shut up people who disagree with you though in my opinion.


I get kicked often because I always play without chat or sound. I can understand why people may kick me, but I would appreciate it if the deserter debuff was removed.