The kelfin love/allied race discussion thread ✿

I do hope your get your TL3 back in the next few days.

I know you have a lot of things you can add to the main post. :stuck_out_tongue:
Heres also hoping that Kelfin are surprisingly mentioned in Blizzcon.


Yea. I think I have just about everything. Though not sure about the read requirements.


Wowhead has posted a schedule for WoW related stuff at Blizzconline (times listed are in Pacific Standard Time):

I’ve been mentioning that of interest is a QnA section, granted it remains to be seen how they’re taking questions for it. Of course, I’d love to get a question in there asking what the Unshackled are up to, though I suspect stuff may get cherry-picked as usual.

Still worth an attempt if they do take questions from the forums, in my opinion. :japanese_goblin::trident:


A very good idea. I am curious what they are up to.


I could go either way. I’m intrigued by all the cosmic stuff and would really like to return to Argus, I would have liked to have seen more zones and such.

They could also easily add a huge continent or two (and some islands) in the southern hemisphere of Azeroth and have us adventure there. They did mention the whole dragon isle thing too.

I would, a question unasked will never be answered. While unlikely they would answer, the worst case is it is ignored as usual


Didn’t Ion say that we would be going to more places outside of Azeroth? Like different planes of existence in the future? Dragon isles though seems like it would be interesting.

I would, a question unasked will never be answered. While unlikely they would answer, the worst case is it is ignored as usual

Yea. Its like Bagzak says. Its better than nothing. If nobody asks, then nothing will ever happen. I am excited for many reasons for the upcoming blizzcon.

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It does seem like they’re moving more toward a future much larger than just Azeroth. Fine by me. Lots more freedom with what they can create.
I was thinking it’s also interesting that most of the Shadowlands zones feature the other cosmic spheres in one place or another. Main one that seems absent is the titans…but that could be something coming later.
We’ve got Demons/Chaos, Light, and Void. Hrm…maybe Life as well, but it’s referenced.

I mean techically we could just stay here in the Shadowlands as well and they could keep churning out all the realms they want.
I’m still a bit bummed that the Halls of Valor are their own thing and not something we could have fleshed out more…I’m curious what zones we will get. One showing off the troll afterlife would be neat, Thros might be a good chance too.

I’d even like to find a small hold out of the thought extinct Aldrachi somewhere out in the cosmos. Would make for a fun race and maybe even make them demon hunters too :stuck_out_tongue:

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I do think it would be cool to see more new areas in Azeroth, but I also think it would be cool to see some other realities altogether. An expansion concerning the origin of the light would be cool. Have we been to the birthworld of the Naaru?


That’d be neat…could also work Yrel and her people in there somewhere too.

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I don’t think they were birthed on a world.

Chronicle said they came into being from smaller shards of light around the cosmos.

This expansion is all about one of the great cosmic forces in wow being death. Maybe the next one will involve light.


I suspect more and more that the next one will be on Azeroth… Then lead into an expansion on order. >.> but I’m basing this widely on things showing in the PTR files and random guy feeling.

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Me too.

They are an easy and clear candidate for AR treatment. They’re practically already in the Horde and literally one step away from playable.


The Blizzard Q and A is up. I asked about what the Unshackled are doing in durotar there. What I am curious to know is what purpose they serve out there and if they have joined the horde like an unofficial AR? Well see how it goes.


Would love to see this question answered! Hoping for the best for our Unshackled friends and their quest to join the Horde and get Kelfin on that character creation screen! :japanese_goblin::trident:


They may only accept Shadowlands questions, but better to try then not at all.


I asked: When will we return to Azeroth so we can have access to the other races that people have been asking for for ARs, such as Kelfin, Sethrak, San’layn, Saurok, Ogres, Furbolg, Taunka, frostborn, Forest Trolls, etc.?

If we’re not returning to Azeroth what is the plan for adding these races down the line?


Still have my support!


Thank you! Good to see you. Its been a while.