The kelfin love/allied race discussion thread ✿

I will say this. It makes things much easier for us given that the kelfin are the only non playable race we helped which has shown up at a capital city. They are unofficial horde allied race already. Just not playable. The issue going against is that they weren’t made the goblin AR and who knows what plans blizzard has for allied races moving forward.


I thought maybe they would do two for one skeleton, but how they handled Wildhammers put a damper on that for me. I guess they could always just add them anyways and say the Wildhammer options were just a Bronzebeard thing or something.

crosses fingers

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I want to state again that if Gilblins become a customization option for Goblins, then they need to be able to breathe underwater. A race with gills known for living under the sea for almost all their lives should not be able to drown.

Not to mention that I’d really worry about them getting love and storyline presence as a customization race. Wildhammers feel slapped on without much thought while Sand Trolls still have no explanation for why they’re in the Horde either. Something I’ve harped on several times.

For several reasons, I strongly support Kelfin/Gilblins as their own race slot. They’d be able to be their own race and shine brighter than just being slapped onto Goblins. :japanese_goblin::trident:


Gods I hope…

Plus it does mean Kelfin would be even more likely.

So much this.

And all of this.


It also shouldn’t just be a blue skin with no fins and gills. My fear is that if they ever made them just a custom option it would be poorly done and haphazard.


If they did make them an AR, I think an active racial bubble shield like those lizard dudes in Tol Dagor used would be really cool.


It’d be a major disappointment if they did it as just a blue skin.


My thoughts exactly. Not to mention they would very likely be able to be druids if playable. Contrary to what some people would believe, we don’t want a lazily done allied race.



I’d be rather disappointed if they didn’t end up with Druid.

Much like I’m disappointed Wildhammer didn’t get them.


Its been a while since I’ve posted some model edits or concepts. Taking a bit of a break from it for the meantime to avoid burnout, but I will be posting more in the future.


Can’t wait to see them.

I’m tempering my expectations for Blizzcon, but a small tiny bit of me still has hope they’ll be super surprising and give out like 4 AR’s randomly to finish some of the old requests off.


No idea what they have planned for next expansion.


Another thing is that if they become a customization skin, we might not see the Unshackled officially join the Horde and get more to their story. If the Kelfin were to become an allied race, we might get to see them show off their worth and officially join the Horde.

As a customization race, they might end up being a brief footnote and either not appear at all, even in fitting situations, or barely there to give a quest or two like Falstad and the Wildhammer Dwarves. At least as their own race slot, they’re more likely to receive love, care, and get some time in the spotlight or at least have presence of some sort.

Hopefully the four races would be those that reside in the living world as opposed to the covenant races (no offense to those who do want them of course, just my own personal opinion). Especially considering the Unshackled have some leaders right outside Orgrimmar, just waiting to get that official invitation to the Horde. :japanese_goblin::trident:


I was thinking of messaging blizzard on twitter asking them if there is any significance to the unshackled being in durotar, but I don’t know if they would answer a question like that.

Not acceptable.


Oh gods I hope it’s not the covenant races.

I absolutely hate that idea. None of those races has any business in the mortal world.


Bet they petition for it daily…


I’m under the assumption that Azeroth is being swarmed with undead, with Orgrimmar likely being attacked by massive groups of them 24/7. I still think the Unshackled would assist with it, since there are likely undead coming from the waters in addition to land.

As such, it would be a good way to get them recognized for their deeds and get accepted into the Horde that way. Not to mention that Azshara is still out there and up to no good, so having some underwater defense would be a useful asset to the Horde.

I also agree with this. I’d hate to see Blizzard claim they considered all races with two legs to be added as allied races, only to add new beings from the afterlife who play big roles in the life/death cycle, among other things. Despite my perception of the chances of playable covenant races being low, it is one of the reasons I’m dreading Blizzconline news.

We’ll see what happens during the expansion, but as I said before, I’ll feel better when we leave it and are back on Azeroth again.

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So much this. I don’t want to leave Azeroth on some useless crusade through the cosmos.

I want to play on Azeroth.

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Naga fans are suspecting this opens up the doors for playable naga. Her being still alive, but Nzoth being gone. Idk about that.


Hard for me to see that, myself. This is what Azshara says when you last see her:

Queen Azshara says: Now go and do what you will. I tire of intermediaries and heralds. The true throne of power beckons, and I intend to claim it.”

Which comes from the quotes section here:

I’m going to guess she isn’t going to use this “throne of power” to bake cookies for orphans and pet puppy dogs. I also doubt she saw the true meaning of Winter Veil, so she’ll likely enslave other beings again…which potentially could include the Unshackled. Again.

This would be a good reason for the Unshackled to seek Horde membership, as Nazjatar likely isn’t safe to reside in still. Especially with Azshara free to do whatever she is scheming.

And as I said, the Horde would gain some allies that could protect the waters of Orgrimmar and other Horde outposts and territory, since there are threats that come from the ocean. Not to mention having them on ships to help with ship repair, deep diving, or rescuing people (such as the events that lead into Vashj’ir).

I’m hoping the NPC’s outside Orgrimmar will lead to something, which is why I’m wondering what is going on there while we’re in the Shadowlands…and is one of several reasons I’m eager to go back to Azeroth again. :japanese_goblin::trident:


I will know in 2-3 days by the way if I get trust level 3 back. If I do get it back I can update the thread.