Hmm. Debatable. Only ever seen a handful really suggest them and Jinyu since Mist, let alone go into great detail on beneficial they would really be to alliance. Setherak and Arrakoas (Both Highborne and Fallen) have already solid standings with Alliance, and pretty much follow along a more primitive guidelines the alliance already uses, and plenty of recent, past and few month old threads following this one’s formula to bring insight, deconstruct it and build it back up into logical discussion on both the pros and cons.
One thing I think about, or more accurately when I think about Kelfins; How woudl the introduction quest work…
Atlantis: Lost Empire (with a bit of World’s End) Parody/Satire. Having our toons head down to just check up, see how they doing, now that you know queen squid is gone. But in a heated skirmish with the Venture Co. Lead by either Gallywix after throwing a coup of their leader now doing Vent. Co shenanigans, looking to use their “home” as a new entryway to the Undermine.
Paired up with the Gob Squad to escort as many survivors out after - ultimately unable to stop the total destruction, but introduce them to the global trade princes to expose Gallywix attempts to undermine the Undermine (pun) - seemingly making it humorous but as well tragic, as we bring them to the shores of Org and get introduces into the Horde. Or something along that lines.
There was a jinyu thread a while ago, but in the past 2 years it has only had like around 350 replies. This one has been around for about 4 months now and has more then twice that. Although I wouldn’t consider the amount of people posting in a megathread a true reflection of somethings popularity. Jinyu though seem to be pretty unlikely as an allied race in general with the way things are right now.
One thing I think about, or more accurately when I think about Kelfins; How woudl the introduction quest work…
There is so many ways it could happen. The unshackled is hanging outside orgrimmar right now in Durotar. They are an unofficial horde allied race at this point. Just not playable. The horde could simply decide to accept them into the horde as full members one day seeing the value they offer. That is after all how vulpera joined and I think the Unshackled have even more reason to join.
I found this off the side of Vashjir swimming to the deep part of the great sea. This is larger than any creature and/or boss I have seen in wow. Even deathwing isn’t as big as this. Whatever this creature is, it would be mighty terrifying to encounter if it was alive.
I shared this in the last megathread, but I figured I’d share this here also.
Warhammer has a race of Sea Elves, which are called “Idoneth Deepkin” in Age of Sigmar. There are a lot of really cool models and mounts that could give some neat Gilblin idea inspiration.
It shows off a lot of the models, which look great. I could see Kelfin using similar mounts or having things like robes of flowing water. Maybe some of them having water jet packs of sorts that let them move more easily on land too.
Anyway, I just wanted to link this again for some Kelfin idea inspiration.
Clams. Giant clams like this appear to be homes for Gilblins across the oceans.
Now with the Kelfin we don’t see a great deal of living in clams, but they clearly utilize them around New Home, so its likely they hold some value to them.
Perhaps the Gilblin who live elsewhere in the ocean where its a little more open to the ocean seek clams as homes for protection and groups like the Kelfin use caves and overlooks for that same type of protection.
Nazjatar wasn’t exactly considered ideal living conditions for them on account of the whole naga enslaving them and stuff, but they probably make homes in all kinds of areas besides just those.
That looks absolutely incredible! This reminds me. I should make a beautiful reef scene sometime. The sea can be such a beautiful place. Though often very scary too.
Walking into the dunes by accident on my first playthrough of subnautica and getting jumped by one of those was probably the biggest jumpscare I’ve ever had in gaming in my life. Love that game for it though. It was all in good fun and added to the feeling of the game.
The sea dragon leviathan is so beautiful. <3 Easily the coolest of the leviathans except for maybe the sea emperor. A dragon in a lava based zone? Thats cool as heck.