The Kaldorei Conundrum

They both did not waste enough time making the playable Nightborne models good enough, and wasted what little time they did put in when they put out hideous looking models for the playable Nightborne.

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The question was not which one got enough time dedicated to it.

The question was which one got more effort put into it.
Which faction got the unique model overhaul?

Night Elves with the Night Warrior skin.

Night Elves got a reskin which was essentially adding a new skin layer and turning up the blue.
The eyes as well are a reskin with the glowing eye removed.

Its not a unique model. Do you know what a 3D model is?

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Nightborne models aren’t unique, either. They’re sown together Night Elf and Draenei parts.

This was Trivelfrank’s false statement:

Did the Nightborne get Night Warrior skins or lore? No.

Pssst. There's a low hanging fruit you can grab for.
Horde got Undead Night Elves at the Darkshore Warfront, too. Those are far more Night Elf fillers than Nightborne are.
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They have a unique 3D model. Are you confusing the rigging with the model itself?
Blizzard likes to cut costs when it comes to some stuff, especially animations.
So just because Vulperans use the same rig as goblins doesn’t mean they don’t have a unique model.


Cutting corners is all Blizzard did with the playable Nightborne models.

Just like they did the void elves but at the end of the day the development of the Nightborne took them far, far more longer than it did Void Elves.
Or at least required far more resources.

They should have spent longer and used more resources. The Nightborne models are terrible.

Hell, High Elf fans didn’t even want Blizzard to touch the High Elf models at all, so their reskinning to make the Void Elves wasn’t even necessary.


That’s an understatement but it is what happened.
Void Elf is the barest of minimums and Nightborne is missing that last 10%-15%

It looks good until you look harder.

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Funny thing is… Good Nightborne models EXIST. The player even got to use one of them.

I can only assume that the player Nightborne are intended to bear the scars of almost becoming Withered.

That model was not rigged with all the animations and armors probably so they had to adjust the heck out of it.

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It had to be rigged for weapons and mounts.

The NPC Nightborne (and the Nightborne we disguised as) had their armor fused to their models. They weren’t made for exchangeable armor sets like player models are.

But I do agree that the NPC Nightborne models are profoundly better.

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Oh ho ho, you have no idea how it affected me.

I always believed I owed so much to the wonderful concept of the Night Elves - they were so unique, so singular, it gave me so much inspiration in my childhood (my first contact with war3 was when I was freaking 10, over a decade ago) that it was the key thing that made me start doing art. I would draw nelves almost everyday as a kid, and I kept doing it for long even after I finally started branching out… You can only imagine how hyped I was when I discovered WoW.

But it didn’t feel the same. It took me quite a while to realize what was going on, why it didn’t feel right, because I didn’t think much about it at the time, but when it hit me, I went into such a rage that it also impacted my sense of identity in-game.

I started playing in roleplay realms to try and reach for what I felt was missing, but I was disappointed to find that most roleplayers weren’t going for the same WC3 vibe I was looking for.

Took me a while to accept what was going on, and then I had other crises with it, to the point of the present moment where I “disowned” them in WoW, and I just make believe that the only Night Elves existed and died in WC3 and the ones in the MMO are just fake, purple generic fantasy elves which bring me only disgust and sorrow from the thought of what they could have been. Oh well.

I now hate the night elves. Not what they were meant to be but the pathetic excuse of what they are. And I cringe every time someone claims they’re a fan of them and are fine with it.

Everything is just wrong and I suffered to learn how to accept it all. Thanks for nothing Blizzard. I’m only here and playing the game because of real life friendships that I don’t wish to disappoint, since I have a sense of honor you don’t seem to have.

sigh i’ve finally let that out of my chest… and it’s good but it’s still not enough…

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Just so you know, there are a TON of kaldorei fans who are just as angry about the way Blizzard handles the Night Elves as you are. You can be a fan of something without being “fine with it” when there are problems (though the amount of grief we get from what I think/hope is a very vocal minority Horde players for having a problem with it is wearying sometimes). Grommash Hellscream called them perfect warriors and said he’d never seen their equal, and now they’re getting out-stealthed in their own forests by Forsaken?

But how Blizzard handles their in-game story now doesn’t affect how they originally portrayed them or how I, as a roleplayer, view the race or feel about the race. So where you look at the race in-game and hate it because it isn’t written as it originally was, I look at the way it was originally written and love it for that, and RP it as that, and continue to hope that one day Blizzard will remember how to write the race they created.

Either perspective is valid. Just please don’t assume that everyone who RPs a kaldorei is “fine” with the de-fanged version we have now. A lot of us are RPing kaldorei in spite of Blizzard, not because of them, and not the way Blizzard portrays them now.


Those who -are- fine with it are frustrating though. It’s actually kind of a pick point of inner conflict for me. As a roleplayer, I am a firm believer of Rule of Cool RP, let people RP how they want. I try very hard to not be an elitist, or tell others how they should RP their characters. But whenever I see a nelf in a Stormwind Tabard, or worshiping the Holy Light, or has adopted mannerism more associated with races from the EK, it drives me up a wall lol.

I can get over RP decisions though, and what is really annoying when it’s an OOC praise for Blizz’s portrayal. I wont mention names, but there are a couple people here in the Story Forums who like to pop in and beat down upset Kaldorei fans for being upset with the story. It’s not so much that I care for their opinion, it’s that I hate the vindication it gives Blizzard’s Tolkeining of the Kaldorei.

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There’s a whole wide spectrum of valid interpretations of kaldorei culture. I remember you and my priestess Lelliandri at the Children of the Stars event had very different opinions – your Akiyass suggesting what sounded to me like more of a Morrigan-style goddess who’ll totally upend or even wreck your life so you’re forced to either become stronger or just wallow in your own weakness until you die or stand up; and Lelli believing in more of a duality type goddess with both a light and dark face, one the nurturing Mother Moon and the other the savage protector aspect of the Night Warrior. Both are 100% valid, imo. There are certain kinds of nelf RP that make me cringe, but eh. It’s their RP, they can do what they want. And if someone enjoys the Tolkienized version of elves, if that’s their jam, I’m cool with that too. Live and let live.

Now I’m not cool with them telling me that I’m wrong and should shut up, but I don’t really like that attitude in most cases anyway, from any quarter. It’s so much more fun to talk about stuff and hear other viewpoints than to shout each other down.

I do weary of people who ignore prior canon and take the worst possible interpretation of current in-game stuff to say that kaldorei are weak and Tyrande is stupid and a terrible leader who’s only worried about her poor widdle Malf and that they all deserved to die. But I also remind myself that I don’t have to attend every argument I’m invited to, and generally just close the tab and go away.


On the other hand, not all of us want to play a pretty version of a xenophobic Troll either.

I mean, those are hardly our only options.

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