The Kaldorei Conundrum

Rash, maybe but not dumb, though Blizzard likes to write her otherwise. And if anyone played through Val’sharah she ended up picking protecting the Temple of Elune over him.


I dunno.

Arrogant tree-loving Kaldorei ending up as street hobos sounds great to me.

I love Tyrande so freakin’ much I cannot even. One day imma shell out the stupid amount of extra cash to get my license plate personalized to say 4TYRANDE, I kid you not.

And I’m always suprised by how many folks forget – or ignore – that she picked the temple over him and that it was that stupid satyr mimicking Malfurion’s voice to mock him and lure her.

Tyrande deserves so much better than she’s been given by Blizzard. Ugh, 10,000 years leading the kaldorei people and a freaking teenage human dude thinks he can tell her what to do?? I just. Love. Her. So. Much.


I used to want to play a vulpera until edgy vulpera players started posting trollalalalas like this. I’m sure there are lots of interesting vulpera players with interesting contributions to make. I wish they’d come out of hiding.

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What? You don’t like hobos?

If they’d give us cute little caravan wagons and an actual homeland to scamper about in and things to do that are more interesting than to die so someone else can justify some entirely unrelated military action I’d happily take hobo status. Somehow, though, I don’t think that’s what you were suggesting.

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It is what it is. Kaldorei are pretty much in the dumpster with Forsaken now.

I don’t think you could fix them even with Malfurion alive.

Oh I don’t need Malfurion, just Tyrande. And the only reason any race or faction can’t be fixed is because the guys in charge don’t prioritize it. A good writer could still create a good story for both factions out of this, even at this late stage, but that isn’t what they pay their writers to do.

Go play Dragon Age then.

Tried to. Got sick of it.

I think it was the Inquisition one?

I wasn’t a Witch Hunter from the Empire so I quickly lost interest and bailed.

Slave elves living in human city ghettos completely subservient to their human masters is present in all the Dragon Age games. Except Bioware has far better writers, so it doesn’t come off as a cringe human power fantasy.


Nor is it what their writers want to do. They’re to busy rehashing old expansions in the worst way possible because they think they’re better than those before them. You can smell the reek of hubris eminating off them before you reach the California border.

I have a bad feeling tryrande and malfurion are going to get replaced as leaders in shadowlands.


I don’t, but I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard to write them out in order to place someone who drinks the peace at all costs kool-aid if they can’t forcibly lobotomize them like they did with Moira.


That and Sylvanas will be redeemed since genocide and torture of innocents is something a good person would do.

I think those things are pretty obvious already, no need to fear or speculate about it when it’s the most obvious part about Shadowlands


Whoever came up with BFA really didn’t seem to understand what he/she was doing when they came up with this story. There is so much more they have to return to and also get right, otherwise interest in this game will continue to wane and it’s subscribers will continue to decline.


The problem is glaringly obvious.
You can’t write lore that means something, if you don’t support the race it’s for. Kaldorei have been the red-headed stepchildren of WoW for the last several years, if not much, much longer. It makes me sad - you could remove most of the other races in this game, and not have as large a gaping void in the lore and storylines as there would be if you removed the Kaldorei.

The way that Teldrassil was handled, and the after effects, were laughable. There have been several VERY GOOD, VERY WELL RENDERED cinematics for Saurfang, for the Horde plotline for Sylvanas, and preceeding ones for Vol’jin and Thrall. Where are the cinematics that match for Tyrande, for Darkshore? For Teldrassil? We get stuck with poorly-rendered, in-game cutscenes that look shoddily pieces together, and get the excuse of ‘well, people want their characters as part of the scenes, so there’s only so much we can do’. I’m sorry, that seems like a pathetic excuse, given that ALL of the renderings for the Class Hall Quests were beautiful, well done, and included every race and class combo/spec in the game. The Rogue ones were fantastic.

It isn’t an issue of player inclusion. It’s an issue of care. They don’t care. The only time Kaldorei get ANY recognition at all, in game, period, is either to support an Orc/Human storyline, or if they’re becoming a scapegoat for something like burning down Teldrassil.

It’s sickening, sometimes. Kaldorei are one of the original playable races for World of Warcraft, and yet we have less cutscenes, less plot hooks, less everything than Orcs and Humans. Even the Worgen storyline wasn’t something that tied up unless you played a Forsaken, to find out how it ended. We aren’t asking for elaborate stuff. We’re asking for a suitable end, for a race that has been the footnote and the orphaned child of WoW since the beginning.

As for Tyrande - you can’t blame her for not wanting a treaty. At the end of Pandaria, when Garrosh was captured and taken down, a treaty was apparently signed that gave the Horde Azshara in exchange for them pulling out of Ashenvale. That’s in the books. Incidentally, which isn’t even in game, because they can’t be bothered to put that in there - only the people who read the books would know that. Not only did the Horde break their own treaty because it didn’t suit them, but they then PUSHED FORWARD, completely further into Ashenvale, and then into Darkshore, and then destroyed Teldrassil. If they’d done the same to Human lands, there would have been all kinds of you know what to pay, but no. Because it was Kaldorei, nobody cares.

Tyrande has every reason to be angry, and every reason to distrust the Horde, AND the Alliance. Kaldorei have been the go-to cannon fodder for the Alliance Military since Burning Crusades, with their numbers decreasing as per in-game info down to less than 100k people. Yet they continue to support the Alliance, and for what? To be told, in their greatest hour of need, that there aren’t enough ships to help? Where are the Draenei, the first of the two races that the Kaldorei saved from inevitable destruction? Did their islands just magically not become a target? Has Velen, once Anduin’s go-to as per the Light and Faith, suddenly just drop off the face of the planet? How does he feel about the Kaldorei being thrown under the proverbial bus?

There’s so much damage control that needs to be done with this race as a whole, and if Blizz is smart, they’ll get on that, stat. The Warfronts, from what I understand, were based on interactions over a period of time. Activity across a span. Which means the Alliance, on both battlefields, is far more active than the Horde in that regard. Which leaves me asking why you’d continue to ignore the subscribers who obviously invest more long-term play, versus those who log in, clear Mythic content, and then let their sub lapse until the next patch.

We’re your more active fanbase, like it or not.
And the treatment my favorite race in this game has gotten since Wrath-era, has been disgusting. This Xpac, especially.


What makes you think Malfurion would be replaced?

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In creative writing, film, story telling, theatre, one of the most important things you are taught when it comes to being a better story teller is to make an assumption of your audiences intelligence.

That assumption is what guides you in determining how complex a narrative can get. If you assume very intelligent people will be watching/reading/playing your story, you can weaves lots of threads together to make a really great and complex narrative. Think 50 Shades vs A Song of Ice and Fire.

So a big issue with Blizzard lately (Along with some other franchises, such as Star Wars) is that they underestimate the intelligence of their consumers and feed us an oversimplified story that was set up to be complex. A story about the nuances of war and a Lovecraftian Horror that twists the perceptions of the characters is very complicated but would have been a richer narrative.

So, the big take away here is Blizzard assumes the bulk of their player base is too stupid for a more complex narrative, so why bother put much effort into it at all?

Lets not kid ourselves into thinking that Blizzard ever had any semblance of nuance and intelligence in their writing or story telling.

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