The eternal conflict between the Amani and the Sin’dorei is a text book burglar resident war. It doesn’t matter how brief or percieved the damage delivered.
Simply put, like rhe Horde, the Sin’dorei refused to leave while Jaina packed up her people from not one but four nations, and left.
In regards to Duratar having trees, the place always had trees, just not enough of them. Furthermore Proudmore wasn’t to blame for the tree shortage because the place is a Sahara to the west and a Desolace to the east. If Thrall moved his people out of and away from Ashenvale into the Quagmire, Thrall and the Horde would have had all the wood and water to their hearts content. Instead they elected to remain burglers, just like the Sin’dorei. Except had the Sin’dorei elected to move Silvermoon to the west, the Amani may not have continued to war so direly against them.
Also, while Orgrimmar remains on Azshara’s border, Splintertree Post, the Warsong Lumber Camp and Zoram’gar outpost and Kargatha keep; all well wothun Kaldorei territory. Therefore suffice to say rhe location of Orgrimmar isn’t a coincidental one.
And while you like to argue the Nelves could have helped the Horde after mount Hyjal; thats like saying your paying the thief or burglar to not burglar you no more, at your expense: bribary/tribute.
Fact of the matter is, rich or poor, the burglar, not the rich folk have to apologize for the transgression, even if said transgression was a mistake, (first tine around) or a continuation (present.) To demand the Kaldorei pay the Horde when it is the Horde in transgression is ludacris and outright naive regardless of the aid rendered at Hyjal. The battle of mount Hyjal was not for thr Kaldorei but for the planet if Azeroth; the benefits were 150% mutual.
Whereas Jaina and her survivors may have been guilty of the same transgression, unlike Thrall, Jaina admitted her mistake and relocated her people not back to Kul’Tiras but to an Island very far to the south, Beyond the border; the Horde just stayed put.
I know what your trying to say, bit even in fantasy you dont let a burglar stay even in your basement and pay him for it…
If you still need an example, even the Tauren had the sense and respect to settle beyond tge borders of Ashenvale.