The Jailer is... (spoilers)

Y’all it’s gonna be someone or something super lame. I remember when I was this excited about N’Zoth and what he was up to.

So,what your telling us is that Wow and Adventure Time are in the same universe.Seeing as how that picture is a blinged up Ice King.

Or when they use twitch as a metric to validate their “sub numbers”

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Love Accolonn. Pyromancer’s a joke.

You really enjoy the drama of some bromancer break up?

idk - I don’t really watch streamers unless I occasionally come across something. Last thing I need to do is what someone else pathetic existence and woes.

First Impressions are lasting. You want to be a celebrity, use tact. Know that you are always making a first impression, all the time.

Actual Jailer leak

Come on Flash! We gonna git those pesky Duke boys this time!


“Those were happier times.” -Gimli

It certainly looks like him. Might not be. But yeah this looks bad.

My cat is gonna be dissapointed. She was hoping that the jailer was a fish. I told her not to give up on believing that to be the truth.

The jailer is…

Grandpa Manastorm and Millhouse has been secretly trying to save us from him all along.


pssst Blizzard was the leaker all along

People, people…

Why are we losing our minds over this? We all know that the Jailer is really the vengeful spirit of Chris Metzen.


Mostly I thought the Jailer is wither version on what his art version of him was shown one the video spoil him… Given how his arm look bit “Boney”

I don’t personally know the guy with the info but my brother’s, friend’s, step-sister’s uncle is real close to him.

I’m expecting him to be Mueh’zala and the Hades to Aman’thul’s Zeus.
We’ll learn why he was confined to the Maw as the Jailer during the expansion.

“I was proven wrong, but I don’t need to apologize because I am above everybody else.”

Okay, chief.

The Jailer is…

A regular Ghost and not a Shade.

we don’t need sources, we know what happened. The Shadowlands logo was out probly close to 2 weeks before it was announced and we all laughed it off. Everybody needs sources on everything, then look it up yourself, we know what happened. Not just on the forums, it was all over twitter,reddit,forume,facebook,etc… We just thought it was some fan made logo.