Ok, so some content creator (s) have recently come across a leak that shows the Jailer’s real appearance. I wont mention who it was or show the picture, but it came straight from the Blizzard HQ.
But his appearance makes it abundantly clear he is a Titan. And that has HUGE lore implications, like:
Sylvanas is actually working with a Titan, that does not belong to the Pantheon, and that was hidden from us in such a forceful, extreme way…A Veil, that was supposed to never be broken. Even Odin, a titan keeper, had to give up an eye to peer into the shadowlands. What are the titans so afraid we will find out?
I’ve long believed that the Pantheon is corrupt and evil, that Azeroth (the Titan) is kept asleep to be controlled and in a prison, and that we’re also sharing that prison. That now ties in nicely with sylvanas flat out stating that the world was a prison.
Then if the Pantheon is corrupt, and the Jailer is not, as in he wants to set us free, then…Sargeras is also not really evil. Maybe he thrust his sword to break azeroth’s prison and not to kill her?
In the cinematic, sylvanas shares a scene with the Jailer and a few black winged valkyr. what was her deal with helya, and is helya the Jailer’s titan keeper?
If we assume that blizzard is going for greek mythology here, the gods (titans in this case) killed their parents and stole their power to rule. What if Azeroth and the Jailer are the original parents of the titans of the pantheon? What if sargeras found out about that and revolted against his brothers?
How will all of this tie in with Calia Menethil being the child of light and darkness? a lightforged undead (the light struck a bargain with the enemy of all)
If the Jailer is good, why are the souls not following their normal cycle? Is it the work of the other titans and beyond his control? or is he doing it deliberately to stage an insurrection?
If he’s doing it deliberately to stage an insurrection because the Pantheon is corrupt, then maybe the titanforged get new souls from sentient beings and that’s what he’s trying to free us from? Being reborn as mindless constructs?
This kind of reminds me of the dude who claimed he “knew someone” who had inside information from Blizz which informed him there wouldn’t be a new expansion announced at Blizzcon.
I’m going to chalk it all up as complete speculation without a valid source. It’s pretty interesting theory crafting though. You just lost me at:
The forums would be erupting right now outside of your single thread on this.
Blizzard said that the Jailer is older than the Titans! He is more likely to be either their father or the template used by the Arbiter Elune with Aman’Thul being the first success due to waking up on his own thus resembling the Jailer most heavily.
No need to apologize. I’m just speculating on your speculation. When people on here make bold claims, it makes me raise my brow unless they’re text color is blue. You may be right, but I’m going to need more information on the matter.
It is heavily suspected by a few fans that the Arbiter is Elune.
As for when: no idea but according to N’Zoth(https://wow.gamepedia.com/Uu%27nat#Quotes) :
“The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.”
The fall of the Jailer will reveal Elune’s true face and exactly why the Jailer is called the Jailer I suspect. She is probably Void-aligned and an upstart Goddess due to usurping the Jailer and using his power alongside Mueh’zala’s and the Light’s to create Titans and Naaru.
As I said, if it were valid … the forums would be erupting right now.
I briefly watched the video and the dude is saying there are “two pictures,” blah blah. That’s still not enough for me to sign off on believing it’s legitimate.
I almost believed the guy who said there wouldn’t be an expansion announcement … then when I saw one … well, it was amusing to read the responses from the thread and seeing him backtrack.
To this OP, I feel it’s feasible … it just is hard for me to sign off on hearsay without a valid form of proof on the matter (IE an individual who legitimately works for Blizzard.)
That quote can be applied to just about anyone. Especially Tyrande.
And Elune being the Arbiter doesn’t make a bit of sense to me. She’s not “Void-aligned.” She’s assumed to have been there before Light and Dark split and is both Light and Dark.
It was “heavily suspected” by fans that she was a Naaru, too. You see how much they knew about that, too.
I’m quite sure the picture is real and its being discussed in other places. GD does not really get into the weeds of lore like other fan sites (where it is erupting). GD is reserved for whining about faction balance and Anduin.
This is a relatively minor reveal that only lore-nerds can really appreciate.
(Obviously only talking about the picture, the rest is OP’s speculation)
you’re absolutely right, but that picture made it so fun to speculate about, didnt it? if hes like a daddy titan and sylvanas is working with him, then that throws sand in just about everyone’s expectations about the course of the expansion and thats really cool.
Whatever he is if that is him he looks really cool. Now why can’t we players get armor that awesome? Why do the NPCs always get the best stuff and we get the dregs?
You forgot flying, other countries which have nothing to do with them, firing Blizz employees, the dinosaur mount … (give me time, I’ll come up with more.)
Regardless of it being real or not, I’m just not getting on board until I see it for myself or it’s confirmed by an official Blizz source. I do enjoy reading the theories going around though, I won’t deny that.