The Jailer is not evil

I have been thinking much of this idea people have, that if you commit mass murder and genocide, and torture and destroy the souls of innocents, you’re an evil monster, end of story…

But what if this isn’t the whole story?

Let’s be honest, most of us in our lives have cuddled our families, spouses and pets, but I think even the most innocent looking soul in a moment of anger and rage at some point in their life, has wished they could truly torture their soul or obliterate them from creation, and if the most innocent looking person denies this to me, I think they are lying.

But have we not considered that if using souls for our own purposes, torturing and tormenting them, and discarding them from existence are the worst evils we can imagine, then if we were to sit back and imagine the highest goodness and virtues, then it would be quite reasonable that we would dream up someone like the Arbiter.

See, we know for a fact that the Jailer suffered a great injustice at the beginning of time, now maybe, just maybe, if we consider that the Jailer and the Arbiter were once one being, what if it was the case that “good side” became the Arbiter we know, but the “evil” half was banished. So we would imagine the Arbiter has the highest level of goodness, because even the most wicked evil beings in existence get a chance to say sorry and do the right thing in a plane like Revendreth, before they get the boot, as to me I would put that into the ‘just’ category to give a truly wicked soul a chance to repent before they are forever tortured for eternity in hell or doomed to non-existence.

But if is is the case, then the cosmos itself is flawed, as what you have done is split a soul in two, that the evil we imagine, that is the torture and maiming of innocents is a contrast to the highest good we can imagine, which is treating people fairly, showing your enemies mercy, always giving them a last chance, and other qualities one might consider to be the highest virtue.

Has anyone considered that maybe, just maybe, these “good” and “evil” virtues are simply two opposites of the same coin, that all of us have the worst possible evil in us, but also the highest possible good.

The problem is, for the highest good we can possibly imagine to exist, its opposite, what you would call the highest ‘evil’ you can imagine must also exist. The fact that the Jailer is male and the Arbiter female is also not a coincidence.

Many people say that it is wrong to break the system of the afterlife, but if you knew the full truth, that it is said that the Jailer is full of hatred for The Arbiter, well if you were half a soul, you would despise your good half too. Now to me what could happen is if let the Jailer kill the Arbiter, there could be a soul-link between them which could result in his own death anyway, as I can’t see us adventures taking down the Jailer with mere swords and frostbolts.

If this is how it ends, while it is said that without the Arbiter souls would simply get lost in the countless realms of the afterlife, I am not buying that, as we know Kyrian bring souls to the Arbiter in Oribos to be judged, so we know Kyrian can maintain their duty to bring souls to the after-life.

The other happier ending is if the Jailer merges with his other half, the Arbiter, and becomes a whole being again, with both good and evil in him and balance to the cosmos is restored, and Sylvanas achieves her goal, and despite all the “evil” that she’s done, you will see the bigger picture going on here.

I mean due to the splitting the soul, I would argue that the main realms of Shadowlands have gone too far out of balance, we’ve seen Maldraxxus just causing war for the sake of it, Bastion become self-righteous in their goodness, and Revendreth we all know how that turned out, same with Ardenweald too, that one could argue that they became “too good”, to the point where blind obedience and acceptance to the status quo sent everything out of order.

The main thing we’ve been told to do is not allow the Jailer to reach the Arbiter at her crucible in Oribos. But why?

We know Sylvanas is above blindly following orders, she has her own agenda, and as was said, the Jailer is full of hatred for the Arbiter, so the way I see it, there is but one choice…

We must countermand the orders of the Primus and allow the Jailer to reach the Arbiter. He will then either merge, and become a whole being again, restoring the balance of the cosmos, or he will destroy the Arbiter, which if I am right will result in his own destruction, in which case balance to the cosmos can still be restored, as the Kyrian could still bring souls to Oribos, but the souls could then choose how they want to spend their own afterlives, rather then having it chosen for them.

Think about it.


They’re the same race, not split in two.

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No, that’s the whole story. I don’t know why you keep writing whole essays with nothing in them.


Its true, the arbiter is the evil one. When the jailer was just a little boy, she didn’t invite him to her birthday party!


Like the Skeksis and the Mystics in The Dark Crystal?

Interesting idea I guess :thinking:


The Arbiter is dealt a final killing blow. Sylvanas takes her place to keep the Shadowlands from breaking down.

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I agree, Sylvannus is evil and we should kill her.


Here we go


That’s very much the whole story. There is no greater cause that justifies the things he’s done.



I may or may not have read this entire post while “In the Arms of the Angels” played in my head.

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I agree. Nerf DH.

EDIT: Like if you have a passion, don’t give up, even if it means writing a thesis on the jailer thinly disguised as another Sylvanas simp thread.


Nah, thats the end of it, dont give a single **** about how sad your life was, when you commit such terrible acts, you deserve whatever is coming to you


You’re very dedicated to this. But things were not completely chill before. The First Ones made a system and the Eternals who then went on to establish their own places in it. Zovaal betrayed that at some point. It wasn’t a power grab on the other Eternal’s part, they’re pretty scared of him. He’s not a good guy or someone who needs to be out.

If hypothetically he and the Arbiter were split from one then his betrayal happened before the split. So he was already a problem.

And souls having free agency isn’t necessarily good. The idea of most afterlives is to be places of rest and reward. Personalities and ideologies will clash if ones who don’t belong go to certain regions. And even more for the darker souls who would be an absolute danger to everyone else. Some level of order is needed to balance the chaos.




What if the Jailor makes it to the Arbiter and a super maga super nova blows up all of creation?

Like when matter and anti matter touch. Causing a explosion equal to the big bang.

The Jailer was locked in an inescapable hellscape for a reason. He may or may not be evil but I certainly don’t want him running around loose.

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Thank you for saying this, I can see my arguments are starting to have an impact .

Well people have mentioned similar situation with Dark Crystal franchise, the fact is before the split those beings did some bad things too that resulted in their exile but they were not split in two as punishment, my understanding is the split was caused because one of them was an idiot that couldn’t overcome his darker half that stuffed up things for the rest of them.

So the punishment might not have fit the crime.


So build a wall and make Bastion pay for it

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Doesn’t matter.

This is true, no matter what.

No we don’t. We know he was locked in the maw. We don’t know what he did to get there, but the way the other characters act towards him, he definitely did something.

The same could be said of queen azshara, and look what happened to her.


She got away with everything, though when she said something about true power I had no idea what she was talking about

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He was fine with a child like Arthas being in the maw. That’s pretty freaking evil