The Jailer is bit of a lolcow

The storytelling is a complete joke this xpac. They are so worried about making sure there is a lgbtqwxyz reindeer storyline that they can’t even write the main villain correctly.

Game just continues to decline, in all aspects.

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Every time I leave Torghast I can hear a giant metal fist slam itself heavily upon a desk and a booming voice bellow out “I’ll get you next time, Gadget!”


I’m gonna be honest, the playerbase would be calling the jailer the worst villain even if he was actually the best they had by the end of expansion. There are quite a few people that just want to hate the story because they disliked the direction taken with Sylvanas.

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yup. he’s literally one of those annoying/crappy ‘secretly-there-was-a-bigger-stronger-bad-guy-all-along!’ characters. y’know, the kind of character writers come up with, when they can’t come-up with anything original? one of them.


The funny thing is, at least three of our deaths are actually canon: LK atop Icecrown, Argus destroying everything, and Helya throwing our souls into Helheim.

some people complain about everything sure, but I think if the Jailer was actually a good villain (which is not the case) the majority wouldn’t complain at all

I just wonder if the Jailer can even see his own feet with that collar piece on.

I think that was a lie on Ion’s part. The Jailer is getting a new model in 9.1, and the old one was specifically named “MawJailer” rather than… you know, just “TheJailer.”

The old one likely still exists (in fact, it does) since we’ve seen his shoulder pads implemented in 9.1 and his back crest which can be found on the Mythic Keystone Mount.

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Cannot unsee

THANKS :rage:

Yup, I expect him to change into it.
It’s already foreshadowed in the upcoming questing.
We’ve already seen someone trapped in the Maw having their body changed.

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