The Jailer is bit of a lolcow

Hey, don’t insult edginess like that :stuck_out_tongue: Illidan is ‘edgy’, the jailer is just cringe xD teehee :grin:


The only ones afraid of him are my rainbow unicorn slippers.

I was looking for slippers and my bf, joking, pointed them out. I said “Heck yes!” and now I have fluffy, warm, rainbow unicorn slippers.

And I think that was a better story than whatever The Jailer is doing.


It seems he needed a mortal to escape the Maw. Sylvanas is already dead so that wont work so he needed to bring us to him. He is making use of Anduin because of his light connection and his personality so he could invade Bastion(dont know why bastion is hard to get to). The other realms seemed easier to get into plus Maldraxxus jumped at the chance and Revendreth was already on his side from day one. As far as Ardenweld goes Mueh’zala failed extremely hard. So he sends Sylvanas in to finish the job. The Drust were doing their own thing. They seem to be trapped between life and Death in a pocket dimension of the Emerald dream and were trying to use Ardenweald to bring themselves back to life and dont seem to have any connection with the Jailer.

I really hope the Jailor doesn’t turn out to be a chump and gets defeated. I would be REALLY nice if we lost for once. Having him escape his prison and becoming a cosmic threat like Sargaras. We need more overarching villains since we have blasted most away. Having the Jailor escape and send out Lich Kings like the Void does Old gods would be great. Imagine few expansions for now we travel to a new world asking for help to stop an alien Scourge. Old gods infesting planets. Naruu brain washing planet. Titan constructs obliterating civilizations to remake them in the Titans imagine(like the Mogu tried to do). Life lords seeding planets with high life like the Evergrowth on Draenor. The true Fellords breaking out of the Nether to cause chaos or just poweful Demons in general. ect… ect…


I like how the jailer created these awesome cursed swords to try and get his way and force himself on people. If he offered me one of those swords I’d personally walk him through the portal and tell him to eat Magni first.


Hot take: they should not have shown us the Jailer this early. Why they decided to change his design to handsome Squidward and then spam his appearance throughout all of Shadowlands’ opening patch is beyond me. I have a very hard time taking this guy seriously at all.

This is not how you villain.


I mean The Jailer immediately recognized Baine was trash and threw him off a cliff.

So already he’s one of the smartest villains we’ve faced.


He’s just misunderstood.


You gotta tenderize your meat before cooking it.


Captain Grim’s portrayal of the jailer makes this entire expansion worth it.


You had me at eat Magni first…

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If the jailor is so tough why is he hideing from us = candy a s s

What made Regenerators scary was just how they are presented. When you get to the room they’re in, the camera gets tight. It’s quiet. When you see a regenerator stand up at first it’s animated in such an unnatural way. Then the music and breathing kicks in.

Sure if you just show that little gif they’re a bit silly. But you’re excluding the stuff that makes them scary

It’s like the one time in RE4 where the game reminds you its a horror game and I can’t help it it’s one of my fav games so I had to get this geek out out of my system

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No worries, I like RE4 a bunch too~ I think the spikey version was perfect with the additional twitching/jerking, that added much more creep. I will always see them as a bit dorky but in a friendly jab sort of way~

It was nice that 4 could keep at least some survival horror, better balance than 8 imo and they are being compared a bunch right now. Was a little section I thought I was playing Dead Space over anything RE.

I hope I didn’t come off as like “You are wrong and stupid”. I just love geeking out about that game lol.

The Iron Maidens are pretty spooky I’ll give them that.

And yeah Village def was giving a lot of nudge nudge wink wink towards 4 which makes me look forward to the eventual remake of it. I wasn’t toooooo scared except for the Beneviento house aka The House of NOPE as I call it

I just hope if RE4 gets remade finally the combat and humor isn’t too different. I mean cmon RE4 is what birthed Devil May Cry. ( And a little of Haunting Ground lets be real here. A LOT of shared assets were in there ) It needs a bit of the silly. Just little pinches of it here and there. Like that totally optional cutscene where Leon just sits down in a throne like chair and poses. If it’s too serious it might lose some of the charm. Buuuuut Village still had its funny moments so we’ll see.

I still want a game with The Duke and The Merchant. Those two are total bros

You came off fine, all good here.

I hope so too, I am just already hearing so many awful rumours about how they will have to cut the game down. I know 4 is a bit beefy but that’s also part of why I remember it fondly, just so much love went into all the content.

I can’t do much more than cross my fingers though that they won’t chop it all up!

I would adore that~ Both of them are so mysterious still… we need to dig in deeper!

Yeah RE4 was a chonk of a game for its time.

And yeah a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into 4. To the point where like. 3 different versions of the game were worked on then scrapped.

Seriously I was so unimpressed with The Duke at first in trailers. Then in the game he’s freaking awesome.

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isn’t he about to pull an entire realm into the afterlife?

with…a chain? (writers were on PTO that day. except the intern).

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But that doesn’t make any sense.

If he needed a mortal to escape the Maw, why have all four keys IN the Shadowlands? Why not spread those things across all planes of existence?

If he really needed Anduin, why did this idiot Jailer use his Death Magic powers on him to completely circumvent Saint Anduins holiness in the first place? You can’t say he needed the Light to get into Bastion because the Kyrians didn’t even bring that up; they were just like: ‘Hey this mortal king from the maw showed up completely unharmed, nothing nefarious about that!’.

Thirdly, and this is the biggest hiccup with that thought, you don’t need a Mourneblade to retrieve a key. Denathrius handed his over willingly. The Primus eventually forks his over. The Jailer could’ve easily extracted the Arcon’s key after Maldraxxas and the Foresworn conquered Bastion.

Opening a portal into Azeroth for Anduin was completely pointless, the Jailer was already taking over Bastion, so why snatch defeat from the jaws of victory…

Why does Blizzard constantly punish us for thinking?

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We don’t know if the other Eternal Ones can even leave to mortal realms. Prob why Denathrius was using Dreadlords to go do shenanigans out of the shadowlands


Then how would they create the stipulation for a ‘mortal’ (allegedly) to break the Jailer out of the Maw?