The insult to Pineapple Pizza in this game is maliciously hurtful

Mmm. Why? Love that sweet and salty.

Like always, Chantilus has a terrible take and tends to look deeply when the subject is nothing more than a puddle’s depth.

At least your garbage takes and pseudo-intellectualism are fun to read.


No it isn’t. Do you hate Hawaiian pizza? Oh right it has pineapple on it. I love Hawaiian Pizza. This hatred on Pineapple Pizza is unwarranted.


yes, it’s disgusting

youre right. Should reduce your health by 105% and forced to take rez sickness

I like pineapple on pizza, it’s pretty good. Honestly I think apples could be fantastic too but I’ve never seen a place that puts apple slices on pizza (but they should start; sweet + salty is a great combo).

:dracthyr_comfy_sip: :fox_face:

It’s not equal to half the insult to both pineapple and pizza that pineapple pizza itself constitutes.

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ham and pineapple is a sweet salty delight

stand down


Yes it is but not on my pizza.


In real life it takes away 75% health n reduces stamina by 50%.

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It made me hate kittens. I’ll never be the same thanks to it.

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If finding your palate past fast food is too deep for you, that exactly proves my point. Ty for the baseless and unprovoked insults though- I must be doing something right :man_shrugging:t5:

guys guys i know you guys dont like pineapple but I don’t like pizza at all

but bacon on pizza is okay :slight_smile: I mad respect

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Good thing you don’t have to have it on your pizza then. I’ll have it on mine!

Because pineapple pizza is an abomination

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i put pizza on my pineapple

Pineapple belongs on pizza and I’ll sick my felguards and tyrant on anyone who says otherwise

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Bring it. I’ll have plenty of beef after to put on my pizza, without the abomination of pineapple ruining it.

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I have an unlimited supply of arrows and numerous pets to use as shields. I’m ready to defend this anti pineapple hill.


pineapple pizza was the best thing invented since the wheel, breakfast , lunch or dinner.