The insult to Pineapple Pizza in this game is maliciously hurtful

My guy, it’s still not that deep.

No problem. They’ll keep coming as long as you keep posting. :slightly_smiling_face:

you forgot to mention Second Breakfast

furthermore im staking my claim on this anti chicago deep dish pineapple hill. COME AT ME PEOPLE!

Why must you hurt me?


if i really wanted to do that i would rename it the pro crocs and candy corn anti chicago deep dish pineapple hill. consider yourself LUCKY.

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You’re just hurting yourself here.


search your soul you know you hate these things too.

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Pineapple is amazing. It’s a top three fruit. I’ll put it on pizza, on a sundae, in a cocktail, with some BBQ. I’ll cut one up and it the whole thing in one sitting by itself. It’s also great in cottage cheese and yogurt. I’ll eat the low quality stuff straight from the can if I’m feeling frisky. Pineapple juice can be drank straight, though it’s best in a Caribou Lou. There’s pineapple salsa, pineapple parfait, pineapple pop, pineapple jam (great on buttered toast) and even pineapple IPAs. Amazing stuff, all of it.


“Pineapple is the King Of All Fruit. It’s why they grow naturally with their own Crown.”

“Crowned by Mother Nature herself.”


My hubby and I get a ‘half and half’ Kitchen Sink (for him) and a Hawaiian side for me! Love the Pineapple, ham, and bell peppers and onions… yummy!
Thank you ‘hubby’ for not ridiculing me.
Why, does it matter? How funny that something that does not effect you, you don’t have to eat, but you need to shame, hate, ‘kill?’,… what are you mental?.. just asking?

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As penance Blizz can add giant pineapples to Pandaria and a pizza parlor right next to them.


Mmmm Pineapple, I put that sh- on everything

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Because pineapple pizza is gross.


It’s delicious

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Nobody tell him what the asians are doing to pizzas.

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I was in Sicily (Italy) … and get this the ‘American Pizza’ according to them had hard boiled egg halves, peas, anchovies… and other things… I am not! kidding.

i like pineapple, pep, pizza. pinapple on pizza by itelf? not my thing.

Because it is accurate.

This meme of being offended by a pizza is an abomination like de way Uganda knuckles…