The Infamous Horde Bias

void tinged but not bad as long as you can control it. otherwise you go loopy

p.s. hey thats the eq high elf lady… forget her name. doh.

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Yeah this is my latest project been over a year since I leveled a priest so kinda going high elf fantasy.

Firiona Vie was her name :slight_smile:

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Every EQ loading screen. Oh the good ole days.


ty. was wracking my brain. i could even visualize the city named after her, where you had to go to get breeze and clarity spells if enchanter

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. . . . . oh FFS.


I am running an eqemu server on my home network for my son and I. Daybreak (or whatever their name is) are cool with the emulated servers running. Even gave a thumbs up to p99. The Al’Kabor project is still supported for PowerPC Macs if you really wanna see old school MMORPGs

If EQEmu worked for Mac like it used to, I might still be playing on it instead of being back in WoW

No ONE wants to listen to Moira…

project 1999 i have a druid, cleric and enchanter on. been awhile since i played tho. it was at velious expac with a plan to reboot to og, which they did separately, called green. but i havent been there. just logged a few months ago on blue to help someone level an iksar

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You forgot to mention that the Barrans has 3 more pixels than Ashenvale. The most egregious of the horde bias!

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To be fair, I don’t mind that Alliance people are claiming their is a bias because think about it. Alliance players are the ones suffering right now from faction imbalance, I mean they should release 9.2.5 asap before even more Alliance players leave or switch over to horde because the situation is that dire right now. When Blizzard doesn’t care enough to not even consolidate the playerbase in one side of a faction then ofc people are gonna be upset and see that as unfair.

I don’t know about the 10% as that person stated. But, PvP is still a minority for most people’s endgame. It doesn’t take rocket science to know that, there are way more character log parses in raids and mythic+. Also just look at the PvP LFG tool compared to the PvE and that should be more than enough proof.

I thought you don’t play Alliance, how do you know this?

Yes it does, even a small QoL adjustment like that is enough proof. Think about it for a second and you’ll start to realize the bigger picture.

Why exactly? just to make more people mad? I think Blizzard has already done a very good job on that already.

I did recently, just to see how it feels playing in the roleplayer faction. The bias isn’t there.

I genuinely believe if they swap every Alliance racials with the Horde one, the Horde would be so much stronger. Alliance players are just bad.

Out of all people, I never thought you would be the one to claim there isn’t a horde bias… I’m very disappointed.


There may be some back and forth faction bias. But the real bias seems to be with Blizzard against their players. lol

There isn’t a Horde or Alliance bias I don’t believe that (I have roleplayed on here like there is because it’s fun and I like the faction conflict here) because from a company perspective it wouldn’t be profitable to do that when your player base is 50/50 or 60/40 for the most part. However, I just wish they would treat their characters like they were portrayed in WC3. Give them meaningful stories that make sense and not use them like Cannon fodder for a crappy story.

Seriously with this last chapter does any of this sound like Sylvanas from WC3 or Thrall for that matter to just abandon the Horde the way he did?

I just hope they don’t ruin Anduin and the rest with petty boring plots with little to no explanation on why they’ve changed. I thought the split soul was stupid to be honest.

They did great for Legion with Illidan story, but you can’t do that for every character, it’s stupid and redundant. I also liked the ending to Arthas believe it or not, I thought the idea of his soul being used up to the brink of nothing was interesting and made the Jailer seem more evil in my book.

I thought the Idea of the Jailer could have worked if they incorporated him in WOTLK as some shadowy figure at the end, leaving speculations and mystery.

And I am tired of the Horde becoming more like the Alliance culturally in attitude. They don’t have to be evil, but they don’t have to be like the typical light side that you see in fantasy stories either as if that is the normal way to be for all societies.

Add some racism, prejudice, conflict, sex, mystery and all the good stuff that makes a story great and it doesn’t have to be raunchy, I’m not asking for that.

I thought the idea of Garrosh becoming an Orc supremacist against the weak was a great plot and would have given not only conflict within WOW but within the factions within the Horde.

I would have kept the Alliance in conflict as well with the Night Elves vs Anduin. I just really hate how they’ve made it a narrow view and streamlined everything, they can do better, and they have before.

Sometimes I feel like Rian Johnson is working for WOW.

You quoted me in your first post. I contacted my oldest brother who saved some of the relevant links years ago which you can use in your first posting:

“You’re welcome” picture from the BlizzCon WoW deep dive in one of the older topics:

Horde Emblem topic on reddit

A current topic about the Orc racial

The Castle Nathria reaction from Blizzard after a known raiding guild went for Alliance:


I already said why.

Blizzard and Alliance players keep saying we won that competition but I don’t really see how.

The only argument one could make is since the Horde chopper was never brought back, we have an exclusive and semi-rare mount. However, when we think about the fact WoW has lost a lot of players from '14 until now, that only benefits a very few Horde players.

Since the Horde won, it would make sense they can get it for free. Since the Alliance lost, it’s fine they have to buy it. If both sides were free or both sides have to pay 100k, it wouldn’t feel like either won.

Anyways, I’m hoping whatever statute is preventing Blizzard from giving the mount to the Horde runs out in 2024.

From reading the comments, this never went live. Why is it a big deal?

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Because of the behavioural implications of the developers and how they treat the inferior player base. Our developers need to be Alliance and Horde-players, not just one-sided fanboys who enjoy the damage they have done over the years. The only reason this game gets those new features in 9.2.5 is because of the irreparable situation they have steered us all in because of their stubbornness to listen to their customers and players (which got also acknowledged by the game director).


That they have a sense of humor? You say “implications” so that means this angst is over a rumor, theory.


when i first warned people in legion, alliance still had a couple guilds in top 10. people said it wasnt bad, that alliance players are just not as good at playing. next time i looked in bfa, there were no alliance guilds in top 10, in fact, none in the top 30. next time i looked, there none in the top 60.