The Infamous Horde Bias

The Horde Bias


Welcome to this post where I am going to be going over all the things that have happened over these years that indicates that the Horde Bias does exist. Please stay tuned.

Q & A:

A. What is a bias?
- Bias is prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.

B. What do you mean by horde bias?
- Throughout many years, there have been many implications behind the current day faction imbalance. The primary cause is led by subtle biases toward the horde faction which ultimately caused modern-day faction problems.

C. Why is this important?
- This post is important to raise awareness that Alliance lives matter, some people still deny the problems that Alliance have and deny that the horde bias exists. This is my part in the movement that will advocate for equality and justice for all.

D. When did this start?
-The idea of Blizzard having a Horde bias comes from back when the higher ups of Blizzard (before they all abandoned ship) were all vocally pro Horde (Elite Tauren Chieftan, the statue in front of Blizz HQ, Azeroth Choppers

Proof that the Horde Bias exists:


Throughout the years there have been instances of Blizzard showing an unprofessional attitude towards the Alliance such as the previous years of Blizzcon.

Example A:
Corpsegrinder Guy at Blizzcon 2011
This was a previously prerecorded video that Blizzard aired in 2011 blizzcon, they knew it was unprofessional yet they still decided to air it in front of everyone who attended there, basically alienating the alliance fanbase.

Example B:
Blizzcon 2010: Alliance Battlecry
Another video showing that Blizzard actively has a bias against the alliance. In this video, the Blizzard staff said the Alliance’s battlecry is “have mercy” which further pushes the horde agenda by humiliating the Alliance fans.

Always being destroyed by horde

Being messed up by the Horde since Cata, losing settlement after settlement, big and small in an… unsettling fashion. No evacuations, no survivors (or a few) and usually Horde either blasting it with WMD, be that Blight or Manabombs or just straight up burning it.

Warcrime after warcrime, its not getting easier to push forward with each one committed against Alliance races, it smacks of hopelessness, weakness and cowardice, while Alliance should stand for Justice, Honor and Chivalry.


The Horde have a much stronger end-game playerpool due to the stronger racials they USED to have. Horde racials (specifically Trolls) were significantly stronger than anything the Alliance had in MoP, and this caused a massive exodus of many big name Alliance guilds.

The issue was fixed, but the damage had already been done because with equal level racials (like we currently have…more or less), there’s no incentive to be on the smaller faction if only because the recruitment pool from the bigger faction is always going to be better, with everything else being equal.


Narrative and design terms is the problem.

Regardless of whether the story is good or bad, the team focuses more on creating plots for the horde.

When a character in the Alliance is in a plot, his role is to be supportive and not the protagonist.

And almost always from a neutral narrative point.

The reason is very simple the Alliance bores them, it is hard for them to give them plots because of a personal bias.

Motorcycle mount incident

Remember when the motorcycle mount came out? Blizzard gave Horde a free motorcycle faction-specific mount while Alliance got nothing. It was only after the extensive backlash from the community that the dev team decided to add an Alliance motorcycle for Alliance players BUT it was not for free… it was for 100k gold.

Honorable Mentions

I’m not saying the Horde doesn’t get shafted here or there as well, they do. But in an overall sense, it’s increasingly hard for me to look at WoW and not see Horde bias prevalently displayed all over the game.


If there was Horde bias you would of ran out of raid bosses like four expansions ago.


The faction walls are coming down so bias won’t matter soon.


Really well written post :+1:
waiting for horde players to come here claiming they aren’t blizz’s favorites.
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


So the Alliance can get their bike whenever they want for the price of a token but Horde members that joined after 2015 can’t get the bike but we’re the winners.


It’s not my fault dad likes me better than you. Better dye your hair black to protest.


We should fight against Orc and Human bias instead!


Horde bias is nonsense made up by people who want to deny the fact the prefer the horde.

The alliance gets lots of good stuff and good stories. But no one ever cares.
The moment the horde gets something good people have a mental breakdown.

Horde bias is nothing more than a victim mentality.


Popcorn, popcorn, popcorn… always with the popcorn.

I’m gonna have me some dumplings instead. :dumpling: :dumpling: :dumpling: Not only are they more filling, but if I have to throw anything, they travel farther with more impact.

Otherwise, I’m with you on this.


They’ve literally told you there are legal problems with it. Most likely because it was advertised as an exclusive prize for those who logged in within the time frame, on a tv show.

There was no such claim for the losing bike, which is probably why it’s still available. Though tbh, they really should just remove the bike from the vendor at this point.

Also, no one “won” that contest. It was about who could rig more votes. The Alliance’s bike was winning until the exploit was found. Then it became who could exploit it more, which the Horde did, most likely cause they have more players lol.

Tbh, it still makes me sick they didn’t stop the voting, fix it, then re-open voting. :confused:

Also, I’m taking the smart approach and putting this thread on mute cause we all know how it’s going to go. (I will comment on it first though, I just won’t see replies)

There’s objectively horde bias. Objectively. If you deny that, I highly suggest you look through WoW.

If you need a VERY recent example, look at the 9.2.5 PTR, each faction gets a new heritage quest.

Dark Irons get a 3 minute quest that’s literally collecting items in Shadowforge City. Literally 3 minutes. On a warlock with no speed boosts. No story AT ALL. Moira doesn’t even have a “Stay a while and Listen” or anything. There’s zero lore. It’s literally “Go collect these pieces so we can forge armor for this hyena no one has ever seen before.”

Blood Elves get a very in-depth questline that enriches their lore, explains what life on Azeroth has been like during our stay in Shadowlands (God forbid they tell alliance what it’s been like too, eh? Cause apparently it’d be too much trouble to do the MINIMUM EFFORT to add a “Stay A While and Listen” to Moira where she tells us.) But naw, there’s no favoritism. They just gave the story of Azeroth on Shadowlands to the Horde and not alliance, but naw, no favoritism here.

(That’s sarcasm btw). There’s MANY MANY MANY other examples of Horde being favored by Blizzard. And literally the ONE time Alliance was - the bee mount - the Horde complained and complained until they added a reskinned bee in the form of the Aqir Bees in 8.3. Despite the fact the Bee mount was meant to be us getting something to make up for the fact we got horses when the Horde got varied mounts.


Yeah I know the excuse they’re giving people and I don’t need your lecture so I’m not reading this drivel past this line.

The OP is using the bike as an example of Horde bias but the winner of this situation is the Alliance. They can get the bike, new Horde can’t, regardless of the reason.


Lol I always found it annoying yet a blessing in a way. At least the alliance characters are not turned into monsters usually. The horde has some things about it that I used to like but it has changed. There was a sense of togetherness about the horde that was unbeatable when you were playing. Felt like home even tho you were standing around in a spiky fortress in a barren land. I dunno… time change. Now there is a bunch of players in horde that came from alliance and it all feels like I’m choosing either alliance aesthetics or faster grouping. Cross faction grouping makes it a easy choice. Lol

Alliance cities and main hubs beat hordes big time.

I think they just try to appeal to that old group of players still, the larger population… that old idea that the horde is great because they have this spirit about them. I’d say alliance has way more heart now but maybe I’m biased myself :relaxed:


True, I’m surprised that people can’t notice there is a horde bias. It’s like they want to deny the truth.

Some people just don’t want to accept reality, you made some really good points honestly. I feel like they put a 100% effort in horde and 50% in alliance. I mean look how sad the alliance allied races are. At least Horde got an entire new race in the form of a Vulpera.


i find it funny about the chopper
the horde can not buy the chopper no more
but the alliance can if it was not removed i think its 100k gold or something like that


LoL. 10 years of Alterac Valley tilted towards Alliance.

Buy hey… BIKES!


Yeah I’m not going to argue with the OP because I honestly don’t know if there is a Horde bias. It doesn’t feel like there is a bias with the Horde when they keep murdering our big named NPCs and/or using them as horrid plot devices.

But again, it’s whatevs. I’m not sure what we, the players, are supposed to do about it so I don’t see the point of this thread.


What is called “the Horde” is not the Horde that existed when I started playing in Wrath. They are a red-tinted Alliance who no longer even have a Warchief because Blizzard has taken the civil war boxing gloves to the Horde punching bag so many times.

Lor’themar is the only racial leader left from when I started that hasn’t been disgraced, neutered, or killed (and the lucky ones managed to die in game, unlike Cairne).

Canonically the only military victories Horde has recently had over the Alliance have been treacherous sneak attacks, while the Alliance has won basically every military campaign. Pretty much every powerful character is Alliance.

Boralus was in an entirely different league of a faction hub compared to the continent-sized disaster called Dazar’alor that Horde received. Navigating it without flying was atrocious, and even with flying it was a chore.

But yeah, many years ago a dev said a mean thing about the Alliance. Many years ago top players went Horde due to racials and the lemmings followed until a huge disparity was created by player activity.

Clearly Horde bias by Blizzard.


I don’t really believe the claims of bias as they (Blizzard) do a pretty decent job of keeping things balanced overall.

I will say there is a distinct preference towards the Horde but it’s hardly game breaking or even all that noteworthy.



Everyone is a victim even in a Video game (/Rolleyes) and you’re a community counsel member, smh.

Clown world, lol.


They need to make it so it you have it on one faction , you have the other factions version too .

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Nah because that means the Horde has to shell out gold for it. Alliance lost so yeah they need to pay for it.

Whenever some statute runs out that’s not letting them put the chopper back in the game, it needs to go on a vendor for 1g.