The Infamous Horde Bias

I’ve been playing both sides for years, if anyone is dishonest it’s those who think their is bias. Both sides get royally screwed. Alliance lose locations, horde lose leaders.


How about something called being fair? As if not enough people play Alliance already, there is no reason to make people want to switch over even more. You are basically saying horde people can get free 270 ilvl gear while alliance can only get 250 just bcuz of a popularity contest.

nightborne is allied race added at same time as void elves, and they finally got updates. which included new hairstyles, tats, jewelry and hair decorations. good for them! dont begrudge them that. in fact, wish they had more. i just want some elven hairstyles. maybe an alleria tat. etc

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Lore means jack to me. It’s how the gameplay goes. Alliance had it’s day in the sun for a really long time. Then the cool kids either were, or joined the Horde and you get what you get today.

Alliance won AV and IOC for a decade at nearly an 80% clip. And you know, Bees. Storywise, the game is at a low point for both sides.

No it is nothing like that at all lol. Why is it not fair if someone else wins a contest but not you? Like you sit here trying to compare an advertised contest to allowing one faction free mythic gear while the other faction is only allowed to obtain regular raid tier. What a joke. You are clearly trolling at this point.

Do you cry foul when you buy a lottery ticket and someone else wins?

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It doesn’t matter if Alliance had its honeymoon period for even 20 years, the fact is that due to Blizzard’s ineptitude, they could not save Alliance and had to resort to cross-faction instead.

Of course not, why would I do that? that is a completely different scenario.

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No argument there.

So is relating gear acquisition to the horde bike contest win.

SO how about this guy still with his Grunt title? You mean can actually play both side in a 2 sided game? Who’d a thunk it.

I have played every race and every class in this game and except for the time they put Sylvanas in charge and later I was 90% Horde. I didn’t like Garrosh, but since other Horde leaders like Vol’Jin and Baine fought against him, MY horde was still there.

Wanna know something else? In SWG I played Alliance and Imperals. In SWTOR I played Sith and Jedi. In EQ I applied all race from Ogres to High Elves.

Not all of us are so bi-polar we have to either or every decision in our life.

only way i could get any honor. lol if i saw something i wanted for stats or mogging, i’d ioc. alliance lost most of the others

Blown away they actually added that.

Some other races desperately need more…

Too be honest I don’t hate velves for their customization and race I despise what their lore did. The belves were cowering like children due to a unnamed void creature no one remembers… They outlaw void and pray in desperation they don’t lose their sunwell again… a race that fought how many things?! Cowering and banning rather than fighting and warding? The sunwell made them weaker… The void elf lore infuriated me as some velf claims the horde can’t handle void, but belves were using demons like double a batteries before they got neutered by a old space goat… alliance lap dogs again…

No one asked for void elf in the first place though, people wanted high elves for alliance and they half assed it instead.


just needed to add silver covenant high elves, and change them a bit so it reflected their lore - et. al, they had been intermingling with humans for decades and were no longer “pure” elves. more like half elves. but nope.


It was sweet when they added mercenary mode. I Q’d as ally in epics so I’d win almost every time. During the first korraks revenge I was able to go merc and leveled about 20 horde toons up in about a week. So fast. Could not have done that without alliance insta-Q.

Oh yeah… Alliance always had PVP instant queues. That’s… a thing.

That I agree with and I’ll be honest I thought the alliance needed for darkness and possible evil but not at making the horde the good guy moral heroes… I LIKE SHADES OF GRAY!

The devs lore is even worse. There are not enough high elves left! So we made a race out of a really small group of exiled belves instead!


Alliance wanted this:

but got this:

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they both look awesome!

Awesome but different.
Asking for good guys (maybe even light forged) and get void tinged bad guys?

it’s the monkey paw thing again.