The Infamous Horde Bias

And yes the most quoted reason to be Orc is pvp… I wonder… it must be… so either all the orcs are in for pvp and therefore not small population or…

This isn’t wrong, the player population imbalance is shy alliance players feel wronged. But the sheer absolute demolition of horde race lore is why horde is so bent outta shape. Again I played both, but god damn does that lore butchery rub me the wrong way!

As stated didn’t go live. Not like those very suggestive mountains shaped like… nevermind… if you know you know.

Clearly stated in the comments stun resistance for pvp but as stated above that’s only 10% of course so…

I would chalk that up to loose lips sink ships. If blizzard knows they nerf, when you publicize a tactic they might decide it’s no good.

Like what?


I learned a lot from this thread, but mostly I learned the Horde has a respectfully abundant amount of love for bees. Who knew!

Also god forbid the roleplayers get thrown a bone, I guess.

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You’re missing the point: Why did they do in the first place? There was no need for it to begin with. I would love to dismiss this as a wasted working time from a developer but it still begs the question why it has to be below a deceased character’s grave of all the places.

This isn’t the problem. The problem is that similar situations during our shining moments weren’t nerfed (Troll- and Goblin racials) in MoP and Legion right before the raid but months after we got the advantage. It didn’t stop them before, why now?


I want an Alliance biased expansion where nothing bad happens. We all hold hands, sing, and dance. Pvp is confined to Alterac Valley. War Mode is disabled. Access to previous content is restricted because it brings too much negativity to the game.

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That’s what the Night Elves are forced to do with the Horde every expansion with a war. :joy:

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as much as i love alliance crying about stuff, i have to point out that horde is made up of a majority of kids who havent grown up

when you have something as obvious as blizzard making fun of the alliance and promoting the horde as a better faction in blizzcon, you have horde players telling you its nothing

when in reality those same horde players will reeee at any insult to them


Honestly considering where the story is nowdays and what it’s gone through, faction pride has been turned into a joke for both sides.

The Alliance refuse to eliminate the Horde when we just constantly step over “You’ve gone too far” line.

And the Horde can never get the job done as the bad guys because Blizzard never commits us as a whole. I think historically speaking the Horde would be the butt end of a joke for Azerothian scholars since almost every time we re-trigger war with the Alliance its always done on a disunited front.

Blizzard just doesn’t care. They just want their comic book level of cartoonish plot to work no matter the cost or reason.

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Bee mount bee mount bee mount

I feel bad that the OP of this thread seemed to have gone through a lot of effort, for absolutely nothing.

This thread is someone whining that their sibling (Horde) gets more attention from dad (Blizzard) so I find this statement hilarious.


as much as i would like to poke fun at him

alliance players cry too much on forums and in game

horde players take it to the next level by rping in real life ive seen it way too many times

lets not pretend like we’re mature, we’re literally worse than the alliance

Ok I won’t pretend. I’m a 42-year old woman with a husband and grown kid. I have a full time job and I own my home. That’s not a flex, it’s just a response to your claim that the Horde is made up of kids and immature people.

Worse in what way? That there are more bad apples on this side? Maybe, if the rumors are true there are more players on the Horde side, but that’s just a numbers game. If the Alliance had more players I would expect more bad apples over there.


What make you think that these are rumours? Did you not look at the data we have?

edit: Grammar

not about age, it’s people more likely to act like edgy kids here

if you think it’s not worse i’ll give you the extremes

have you heard of a bunch of alliance doing what that band did at blizzcon?

have you heard of a bunch of alliance sending threats to a writer on twitter because their faction character was destroyed?

bro you got to be kidding me, there is way more rage in horde players and passion due to their SMOrc zug zug mentality

they take the video game too seriously while alliance are like eh whatever but they complain like whiny kids on the forum which is funny but at least they keep it in game

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What data is that? I stopped paying attention to any reported sub count since Blizzard stopped doing it in 2015.


This is a broken record reply. Didn’t this happen 10(ish) years ago and it was a band, not the entire Horde population. It’s silly to keep bringing it up.

What Alliance character has been destroyed like all our faction leaders? Maybe the reason we haven’t seen it is because Blizzard leaves all their faction leaders squeaky clean and alive.

The one leader they did kill went out like a badass in one of the greatest cinematics they ever created.

I can’t say Alliance fanatics would or would not make death threats until Blizzard actually destroys one of their beloved faction leaders.

What does the Alliance have to complain about besides old, silly drama from outside sources? You guys keep saying “the band! The band!” Well, “the band” isn’t Blizzard or all Horde players.


Such as? We got…the bee mount, and they killed Varian in an intro.

you still dont understand, its not about whether it happened a long time ago, its the fact that our faction had that extreme dont gaslight it its horrible

especially the threats were in bfa stop ignoring please its not good

alliance characters have been destroyed again and again, i play both factions and yes horde lose more leaders but alliance leaders basically act like simps to horde unable to do anything

this is what i mean by horde players calmly ignoring but they would be the loudest children if something bad happened to them

the history of events speaks for itself, we have people more likely to be extreme than the alliance


Varian killed a mega fel reaver and a bunch of demons.

Volj’in was gutted by a trash mob then put Sylvanas on the throne.

Horde bias!