The Infamous Horde Bias

yes troll, orc, or go home are only options… u would be surprised with how many people switched over to horde just bcuz of that, I blame it on player mentality too cuz everyone thinks they are a mythic raider these days. :roll_eyes:

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A lore abomination on both sides.

Oh damn I must’ve missed the tentacle hair! Wait…


I agree. Humans had Every man for himself being the be all end all pvp talent for far too long.


I see, so you’re just arguing dishonestly now.

Have fun with that.

i dunno. i havent had a new hairstyle yet, tho new colors are awesome. no jewelry, tats, hair decorations (unless tentacle toggle counts)

Easy to prove.

The genocide of the night elves and blizzard basically gave the person that committed it… redemption


Are you seriously insinuating that belves got more customizations than velves? Or that we got the same ones you did because the belves didn’t get tentacles in their hair. You got belf hair and velf hair but scream bias.

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I meeaan only like 10% of the playerbase does pvp am i rite? zug zug. :crossed_swords:

Blood Elves are high elves with a twist, so… void elves are still high elves. Either way, yall got what you wanted yet yall still moan.

Unprofessional? What are you smoking? It was literally a contest with he winning side the recipient of the bike. Did any of you cry babies even play wow then and recall any of this? West coast choppers or orange county choppers whatever it was was the show it was promoted with. Unprofessional that they decided to go back and make a bike for the alliance just to quiet all the whiners crying foul.

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Abomination is what she got. A Sisyphean task which somehow she’ll either finish or get out of and be a alliance lapdog eager to please her blue human masters.

That’s the weirdest part of Alliance players, they think Horde is more popular, but then they think Horde is cheating for winning a popularity contest.


Source? Because according to op they made fun of alliance pvp prowess but alliance had pvp racial so…

colors. otherwise, our hairstyles are the same ones we started with. no new hairstyles. got lots of good ideas for it tho.

And the 10% were almost always humans. Wonder why?

They can rp all day long but not having it called high elves on the character screen breaks their immersion apparently lol


Destroying one city is genocide? There are night elves all over azeroth.

I’m straight up saying you’re being dishonest, period.

You’re also using a single example where we got something FINALLY, when the Horde were getting stuff handed to them all along AND had Blizz employees backing them the entire time.

If you can’t argue honestly, then I’m not going to go back and forth with you anymore.



And they added more customization for a allied race when they stated it was for base races only? Or is that more horde bias?

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well both sides were using the exploit and alliance lost because horde more popular (besides their bike was cool)

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