The Infamous Horde Bias

Which is why they changed the horde into the weak thing it is now and killed off every leader! We love the horde… Except the orcs… or Cairne… Or Vol’jin… or Undead… or not effeminate belves…


Yeah, basically you can skip any mob with true sight by just running through it until you’re out of the true sight radius and then meld after.

It’s the only stealth that can go through true sight other than Vanish.

Read my post again.

I addressed the fact that they are finally making things right.

Overall, over the last 15 years, the Horde has gotten better treatment.

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Whaaaaat? Do tell. Please.


jaina isnt real. blizz did this to the alliance faction. there’s a difference


Read my post again. Garrosh and Cairne died in Cata. The belves were ruined in BC. Vol’jin doed to a felguard in legion. This is when your favoritism is occurring yes? Should I continue?


15 years of losing all our champions, best leaders and territory. We also got denied Ogres and Taunka and instead got gifted foxes… ah yes, much better treatment.


Oh, those were on the table?

Please show me THAT post.

What is funny, when I looked it up the only place that mentioned exploits was this thread.


racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial racial went ignored for so long.

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I mean a community council member told us, so it must be the truth right?

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High Elves werent on the table yet all the whining to blizzard finally paid off for yall and you finally got your elves.


And we didn’t get High Elves, did we?

Nice try.

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yeah, orcs are ogre descendants, arent they? ogres on horde makes sense. get those brainiac ogres in blade’s edge mountain in outlands

You did. They might not be exactly named High Elves but you can still give them blue eyes, pale skin and blonde hair.


Like emfh not sharing cooldown with trinket? Shadowmeld? A root break that rocks on gnomes. The op mechagnome and void elf racials? Dwarf racials being great? Let’s see my choices…

Goblin… oh that’s bad…
Undead… oh just fear and shares with trinket?
Bloodelf… oh good I can dispel!
Nightborne… a snare…
Vulpera… oof still bad…

So I can play the horde where the pve elitist say I can be… oh troll or Orc…

Oh yes I’m sure the tan blue eyed void elves don’t see a high elf…

or purple eyes or white eyes. they 're looking snazzier and snazzier. now we just need some braids and tats and woohoo.

We didn’t, and they aren’t.

Those are Blood Elves with a twist.

And y’all got the same customizations of hair, skin, and eyes, didn’t you?

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Forsaken should be able to look like humans as they were alive! They don’t have to decompose!!

How void elf seem to me when they cry for high elf looks…

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