The Infamous Horde Bias

You still got your bees.

That “Thing” is no bee.


There is no evidence of horde bias and no wow personalities agree with you, instead they say you are wrong.

Your proof is absolute undefined crap.

Also the motorcycle was voted on, got more votes for horde, thats all it was, not alliance has one and the hordes is gone forever.


As if what wow personalities think ever mattered, actually in fact… one thing that can everyone agree on a general consensus is that horde racials were way too strong for too many years. (until they got nerfed)

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These two are a perfect example of ones personal bias reading into the facts.

I am a HUGE Tauren fan, and while I don’t thing Baine’s story IN_GAME is very good, he does represent the race from WC3 on. You know, the ones almost wiped out by Centaur :slight_smile:

Tyrande was humiliated last expansion more than any other NPC and was humiliated at least as much as Baine in this expansion. Her entire story for 2 expansions is trash (and further back if you include Legion and her voice lines)

The biggest issue I see is Blizzard can’t decide what they want the Horde to be.

WC1 & WC2 = stereotypical bad guys.
WC3 = Red alliance type good guys (who like to fight as sport) with caveat of “no more demon blood / no more eating people / Tauren you’re cool”
Vanilla = Still Red alliance good guys (who like to fight as sport) plus emo little brothers the Forsaken
BC = Still Red alliance good guys (who like to fight as sport) plus emo little brothers now adding a new twist evil pretty elves (rip off of good ugly orcs twist from WC3). Get the amazing quest line about Grandma Thrall.
Wrath = Still Red alliance good guys (who like to fight as sport) plus emo little brothers now adding a new twist evil pretty elves. Alliance get angry PvP figure in Varian, the human version of the Horde’s Garrosh (seems like they are trying to balance here)
Cata = Still Red alliance good guys (who like to fight as sport) plus emo little brothers now adding a new twist evil pretty elves but now add Garrosh as an Orc Supremamist where a bunch of orcs join in. So do PvPers from every group, especially lil Bro Forsaken and the elves that never belonged in the Horde except to “subvert expectations”
MoP = Both side ry to show their best side so neutral Pandas can join them. They both do a good job

It goes on but in the end, except for when the devs want a PvP war (and before WC3) the Horde are just red alliance (to subvert expectations)

Both sides get screwed but neither side agrees when the other side gets screwed.

Magni getting screwed to bring in the dwarves most hated enemy during leveling was as bad as Cairne in my opinion (and Cairne is BY FAR my most favorite leader)

No one got screwed as bad as Vol’Jin unless you count the entire Night Elven Race - but those are on completely different levels.


Do you mean the competition where the Horde bike won after being voted on by the players?

The same bike that is not available to players any more despite winning?


Alliance does have OP racial, their player is just too dumb to use it, last time i told everyone we’re doing a Night Elves skip, none of them have any clue on how to do it.


i don’t. does it involve shadowmeld?

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What’s a skip?

You mean like not kill all the mobs? How would I get loot or experience if we “skip”

and exploited so they could vote multiple times. hehe. seriously.

Allegedly. It’s never been proven as a fact to my knowledge.

Explain please. I was unaware of exploits.

ewww, i just saw them. on the alliance mount page on warcraft mounts they are called “flies”

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Yeah… Horde bias they say, all our champions and are best leaders are all dead or turned into wimps/traitors. Lore-wise the Horde has lost every war. BFA the Horde lost much of its territory in EK, we lost the battle of Stromgarde and darkshore and the surrounding territory.
Alliance lost one ugly tree that they didnt care about til after it burned down.


It makes sense to me honestly, people knew about the exploits even back then.

and theramore. jaina almost went full psycho on that one.

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You need to look at everything BEFORE this storyline.

THIS storyline is the newer devs finally making things equal (kinda). Look back over the last 15 years (or so) of things inside AND outside the game (behavior of people in charge of the game as well) and there is a CLEAR “we like The Horde better” attitude overall.

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An alliance Tauren fan how great! The race that’s not special and entire lore is they almost went extinct!

Let’s see Tauren lore… They were original progeny of their tauren race when we meet Taunka… Wait never mind that’s Yuangol now… We’ll they fought in the war of the ancients and slew many demons! Wait that’s high mountain now… Why are they great exactly? They nearly went extinct… They couldn’t fight brain dead centaur without orcs… When alliance attacked them, they shrugged and said oh no well build a small wall and forsake any towns we had outside!


Tauren are without a doubt the most difficult race to mog. If it doesn’t clip the horns or head, it probably just looks bad.

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I already argued enough over Theramore. Jaina shouldnt have let her city be used as a military port for the Alliance to siege the Barrens. Her own fault for not remaining neutral.