The Infamous Horde Bias

lol but you still could lol if you wanted lol

Horde can’t do that.


The horde talk to an NPC in their capital city to get to mechagon. The alliance have to fly across a continent and an ocean.

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yeah they need to make it available for 100k gold to horde also.

No, it needs to be free on the Horde side since they won.

i have a theory. content = time. so rather than spend time making content for the faction thats dying, they just make the player spend time doing non content things


oh boy lol :joy:

“oh boy” what? I have no idea what you mean by this.

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Did we not have an npc as well?
I thought we did

So this proves Horde bias?
Hope that’s not what you’re saying.

At the time they did this, they didn’t think like that about it.

I think the next year they added a mount for BlizzCon where you would get both, probably as a concession for the motorbike thing.

Not really, because Alliance FINALLY got one cool thing, after all the things mentioned in the OP?

That was more of an “it’s about time” thing.

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My guess is they through out the vote numbers and made an executive decision.

I like how you can read this one multiple ways.

Honestly, the real crime is that the Alliance got the only Azerothian Hippo mount.


I’m not sure how you’re reading it but I just meant Baine drug her to SW throne room with him :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s look at the current storyline.

Let’s see, who are the main characters of this expansion?

  • Bolvar (he’s the face of the expansion), a former alliance hero and Stormwind regent. He’s the heroes leader.
  • Sylvannas, an evil character that, at the end, does a bit of good, to then being punished.
  • Anduin, alliance leader, as the main character the story revolves around. Big parts of the campaign is about him, always portrayed as good.
  • Jaina, alliance hero, as one of the main forces for the good guys. She leads the efforts to rescue Anduin and is paramount in the initial scenario.
  • Thrall, former horde leader, is kinda there as a horde token. Doesn’t do anything relevant other than talking with his mother.
  • Baine, one of horde’s race leaders. He’s just there, literally humilliated in the initial scenario of the expansion and discarded as worthless.
  • Tyrande, with a heavy night elf centric storyline that permeates the whole expansion.

In other secondary characters we have a parallel between Draka and Uther as a faction’s dead character with covenant’s importance. Draka starts having relevance in the Necrolords campaign, then fades to the background. Uther is part of the narrative all throughout the expansion, acquiring more importance in the latest patch.

If we look at this expansion in terms of story, we could claim there’s an Alliance bias. This expansion can be defined as a story in which the alliance saves the day against this evil Thanos that’s being helped by the former Horde’s leader.


You are just taking in account of only the “main characters” in this expansion and using that as an excuse to justify that a faction bias doesn’t exist. In fact, it’s a cumulation of multiple factors that Blizzard have done over the years that caused today’s faction problem. Horde racials have been unchecked for over 10+ years until they finally nerfed them.


I’m just countering this particular point:

“When a character in the Alliance is in a plot, his role is to be supportive and not the protagonist”

The current story seems to point in a different direction. Actually, this is not the first expansion in which the Alliance characters are the good guys central characters, but I won’t go into that much detail about previous expansions.


because alliance’s job is to act as support for horde protagonists and foils for horde antagonists - the story is primarily about horde, be they villians or good guys/gals. example, tyrande is sylvannas’ foil. sylvannas was not even fighting alliance - she was genociding alliance to fight the unfairness of the after life. alliance are not even the motivation. alliance are a bunch of baines.


I disagree, human racial. That is why.

Seriously, I want my bee. Who cares about bikes? There are a couple bikes at this point. Only one bee and Horde can’t have it.


For every one Alliance toon, there are two Horde.

At this point, despite all the other evidence, that 1:2 ratio is the cherry on top of the mountain the Blizz Devs favor the Horde. They’ve done absolutely nothing to either mitigate it, or reverse it. At all.