The Infamous Horde Bias

well, you tell me:

How do we know itā€™s all Alts, Iā€™m completely lost.

As youā€™re the same person in question Iā€™m disinclined to inform you.

Alt hopping and alt liking your own posts is not cool sir and or madam.

I can unlike that post if you wish, but I didnā€™t make the post that I liked. Still kinda seems like people guess and witch hunting to me though.

Orgrimmar is supposed to be a desert trade city, if they spruced it up Iā€™d really like for it to look like an eastern bazaar with exotic goods and bright colours everywhere.


Blood Elves resonate with a wide, wide veriety of people.


Glorious picture and idea.

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in classic it almost looks like that, minus the dangly lamps. orc fingers though, wouldnt lend themselves well to the creation of fine chains and filigree. goblins, vulpera, trolls and both elven races, would though.

There are sites and browser add-ons out there which lists all your accessible characters which are linked to your account from every region. Once your characters are cached, they are accessible in the database for everyone. Same technology as RIO. This is why we knew with 100% certainty that these are your characters.

This exact underestimation is why the orcs rock the Alliance every time thereā€™s a faction war.

you have twice as many players and twice as many guilds. lol and that just magically happened. no reason other than to point at lack of player skill on alliance specifically, who, for the first 3 expacs, were neck and neck with horde in pve and pvp, world first raids and arena. and then something happened. hmm. whatever could it be. let me think. :wink:

Letā€™s stay bit more on the topic as well.

Why do the Heritage Armors for the Alliance lack physical attachments while they should have? Iā€™m speaking of the parts which move freely around.

Bronzebeard girdle and the Gilneas pocket watch comes into the mind, especially when the Goblin-one has a ridiculous amount of physical attachments to the armor.

Only thing Iā€™ll really say is that while I think the Horde gets a bit more focus sometimes story wise, they also get shafted.

Just looking at each Expansion.

TBC: Starts even, we have both Kaelā€™Thas and Illidan getting the villain Ball. Then Kaelā€™thas gets an even Bigger villain ball. But the Horde gets the main story focus with the re-lighting of the Sunwell.

Wrath: Arthas is arguably alliance, Tirion definitely is. Jaina and Sylvanus get even character development. Iā€™d say this expansion is generally more alliance favored story wise.

Cata: Flips, Thrall is the Hero like Tirion was. But we put a mass murdering psycho in charge of the Horde which causes all kind of fun. Sylvanus starts getting the villain ball heavily.

Mists: Garosh goes full idiot villain. Alliance could have dismantled the Horde but chose not to. Jaina starts to get the villain ball because Theramore. In general this is a Horde favoring story, though it also has a LOT of character building for Varian and Anduin.

WoD: uhā€¦ Nothing to see here. Honestly, Itā€™s Sorta horde because of the way the Iron Horde gets an easy forgive and move on thing, but theyā€™re not actually Horde soā€¦

Legion: Alliance: Varian goes out a hero facing down Gulā€™Dan, Anduin rises to be more Paladin and a strong ruler, Illidan gets his victory over Sargeras. Horde: Zulā€™Jin goes down to random demon A. Horde essentially follows Illidan and Velen around doing what they say.

BfA: Alliance takes out Undercityā€¦ Then cleans up some of their own issues with Kul Tiras. They do get Turaylon and Windrunner on board which is good. Horde. Sylvanus full idiot ball, but Sarevok and Thrall get redemptionā€¦ More horde focused but not in a good wayā€¦

In general the Horde seems to get more story, but they come away the worse from it where as the Alliance have steadily grown and gotten better.


my theory is, the more popular the race, the more graphical bandwidth they use (by bandwidth in this context i mean, server/engine space for bones, animations, textures) so if you have a less frequently played race with already low bandwidth (lets face it, goblins dont take up much graphical real estate to begin with) they can afford more pizzazz. worgen, even though less frequently played, they are large and have some pretty intricate textures. just a theory. not sure about the dwarf. maybe their extravagant beards ? alot of bones and layers involved.

draenei still dont have their heritage armor, btw lol
they were the alliance equivalent of blood elves, added to the game in tbc.

do humans and night elves, orcs and trolls, have theirs yet?

Orcs, Humans, Trolls, Night Elves, Forsaken, Draenei and Pandaren do not have heritage armour currently.


wow. :neutral_face: did they mention more for 10.0?

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Interesting, and yet you still get wrong why I did it. At this point it was a test to see if I still could, I have tried to remove them at this point but IPhones are so touchyā€¦ You think they would update the forums for 1 like per account butā€¦ you know horde bias.

No, much to most individuals displeasure.

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odd. wonder why

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The horde bias is still real donā€™t let anyone tell you otherwise, look at evokers visage formā€¦ blood elves like seriously?? and the primal invasion events all happened next to horde capital cities.