The Infamous Horde Bias

Leave it to some witty classic alt account to be a dingus and necro a thread.

Be sure to hit the “mute” feature.

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Horde have better racials for pvp hence the Horde bias. Cope harder

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This is not how you play a Necromancer.


Baps pally with a newspaper :newspaper_roll:

bad necro… bad!


When exploits disproportionately favor the horde they tend to not get fixed, in case anyone forgot about the 2 hunter pets in late cataclysm that you could tame a certain way such that they retained a buff that after level scaling would absolutely destroy bosses, and both could only be tamed by horde players. Went unfixed for an entire year.

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Holy necro, Batman.


There was an alliance bias in vanilla, and the solution was Blood Elves. Suddenly horde had the best of everything. Not saying it was a bad idea, but suddenly misfits became a faction of sorority girls that could pretend to be tough.

Allied races favored horde immensly. Vulpera = new race, while pretty much everything else was a reskin except obese humans.

The larger problem was that the blizzard staff favored horde and promoted them as the tough poplular faction.

Racials were definitely pro horde for quite a while. Currently alliance has a slight edge on racials. Nightborne have terrible racials for non-magic users.

What are you referring to?

I was around in Cata, and a hunter, but I have no memory of this. I’m finding Hunter pet videos on Youtube that are 11 years old but none reference this pet.

And its been flipped.

Alliance racials are so strong they are the entire reason we are getting earthen.

One of the GD regulars, Brewa, I guess they’re a raider, said the only reason they’re Alliance is dwarf racials are too strong to ignore.


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Dwarf racials are insane. I 100% see earthern as a way to give a version of dwarven racials to the Horde. Until I am proven wrong by the eventual reveal of said racials.


The Horde have been slowly made into “The Red Alliance” ever since vanilla. I’d say that’s Alliance bias right there.

Seriously, though, Horde leaders die, Alliance leaders get beaten with the neutrality bat. Arguments could easily be made for both being the worse option.

The whole two rigid faction system was a mistake. If I had a time machine (and the power to actually influence the past) I’d go back and make them work harder on making each race have their own (potentially changing) allegiances not dictated by which of “the two” they were forced to be on when they were implemented.

Maybe then we would have more organic conflict today instead of everyone being tired of the “you’re red, I’m blue, we hate each other forever” crap.

2 years later…
Alliance bias is nothing more than a victim mentality.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

There were those 2 plaguehounds and Deth’tilac… But I dont remember any Horde only tames that were super destructive.