The Infamous Horde Bias

They’ll demand all the things and demand the horde get deleted. This is the way.

You can start from the very beginning of when they built their head quarters front and center at the entrance is an Orc.

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cute animals to pet is apparently not very zug zug. it is, afterall, an orc fortress.


i know. lol
i dont want alliance to invade it either. but if people want alliance villiany for a change, well, that oughta do it lol

Hey mon there be a troll who sell snakes! That is your cute animal to pet! Snakes!

I personally despise it. I would chose Dazar’alor anytime over it. It’s size, build and water proximity just screams powerhouse over the dusty Orc metal city. I also prefer Thunderbluff over Org.

oh me too. thats an epic city. suramar is another fantastic city tho nightborne are only allowed a small corner of it

Better than Boralus, Dazar’alor might have been attacked by alliance but Atleast we didn’t lose our city to a human Ursula npc.

it has historical charm. seaside fishing port. but it doesnt have the epicness of dazar or the splendour of suramar.

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These two cities are more than epic or splendor, they are imposing. You see them and they dominate your view with their size and power.

Yeah! I loved Boralus.

From a gameplay standpoint, it was vastly superior to Daz. Everything was so close together, made it easy to get around.

Also that music! 10/10.

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I can’t wait until they add a troll allied race into the Alliance faction, teach u a lesson. :angry:


the easiest city to navigate is exodar, because its all in a circle and the circle is much smaller than ironforge. when you port in, you simply turn around run 10 steps forward, city center, look left bank and mailbox, look right ah and mailbox with a trade supplier in between. once you know the layout, its super fast

Blood trolls is only ones I can think who have any small semblance of a chance joining alliance. Even then it’s a far shot.

I’ll do you one better. Though I despise org. The troll portion near the allied race recruitment has a bank and ah in the same building within standing distance of both.

wow thats convenient

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Yes, because liking’s one post via alts means it is a popular post… NOT!

I mean, where is Lann to crack a tamper about Alt-Hoping and liking, or is this another one of those, “If it is someone that I disagree with, then they are in the wrong” situations.

That’s not an excuse.