The Infamous Horde Bias

It’s weird to me how many people there are who post here, with zero PVE/PVP achievements on their account complaining about how X is ruining the game for them.

You do nothing. How does Horde ruin ‘nothing’ for you? Lol

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hey i use to pvp in bgs. in fact, i have a cute lil story.

timeline: original tbc.
faction: alliance.
race: human.
class: priest.

while wandering thru the forests of ashenvale, i came upon the alliance warsong gulch portal. nearby, the quartermaster showed a list of gear purchaseable with honor tokens. amidst the list were beautiful purple epic cloth bracers, and all i had to be was 29 to wear and buy them with the mysterious honor tokens. into the portal i went. didnt know a thing about pvp. lol

long story short, 2 weeks later, day after day, 10 hours a day, i’d requeue and we never won a single wsg. turns out we were a mostly alliance pve server, paired on the battlegroup with a mostly horde pvp server. you can imagine how that went lol

i was so frustrated, i got busy and made the unstoppable flag carrier. she couldnt do any damage but she delivered the flag, dagnabbit. :blush:

sadly, she was not my human priest, so priesty never got her purple epic bracers.

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yea its pretty neat. they do no content and will come here and just say alliance is dead because i saw this topic and rwf is usually won by horde which affects me

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i do content. i just cant raid anymore. very bad rheumatoid arthritis. reaction time slowed. i’m 63 too and a cancer/coma survivor. so me brain pan is slightly damaged on quick decision making. fine motor control almost gone. this does not negate that theres like 1 alliance guild in the top 10. it use to be neck and neck, but over time, its gone horde. for awhile there, there was no alliance guild in the top 60.


it isnt about how it effects one person but the whole game. look at those statistics. theres nearly 64% horde vs 36% alliance. thats like double. twice as many guilds too. lol

if i do nothing, how’d i get this mount?


Actually all THREE were Alliance leaders, one just had a change of heart after her death :smiley:

Are you attention starved or something?

hmm. interesting response. i’ll ponder it.

okay didnt you say only people who have done nothing, complain that the game has gone 64% horde vs. 36% alliance (compare this to wrath era where it was almost even). in legion it was 58% horde and i was warning people on the forums even then. and it has gotten even worse

I mean you made a sweeping generalization and she decided to defend herself, and you decide to insult her? What lol?



can we just wake up and find out n’zoth made the last 3 expacs and varian and voljin are actually still alive and sylvannas hasnt gone total psycho


I made a direct statement about WQ players non-stop whining about faction imbalance, when faction balance doesn’t affect people who do zero end-game content, then your BFF made a series of arbitrary replies, to which I asked why they seem to desire my attention so much seeing as how they never made a point.

Your lack of reading comprehension isn’t my cross to carry.

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whats a bff?

we lose new players because the devs are so focused on seasoned horde players, when the game is advertised as an mmorpg with 2 factions. this effects everyone, ultimately including the seasoned horde players. its best for everyone if both factions are healthy.

World quests and World content is a form of end game.
And faction ballance does effect them.

I was just doing a World quest that involved killing things.
I was the only alliance player there. The rest were horde.

While the horde were happily killing everything and tagging other horde players mobs, I had to fly back and forth to find stuff I could kill.

It wasnt the end of the world, but yeah. It can affect World quests too.


and imagine you’re a new player who doesnt know anything about the horde’s lore, and you’re a dwarf fan so you make a dwarf and have no idea where all the other dwarves are lol

i’m on an alliance heavy server on my main and i dont see other alliance players very often . on classic tbc, stormwind and shatt and all the quest hubs have alliance players constantly, and horde too. confusing is it not?

Bias? I want my Bee Mount.

i agree. you should have a bee mount. :+1:

We Asian do revere our elders, therefore I do apologize on behalf of the people of my age group. Old people do not deserve to be mocked and treated like dirt by the youth. Doesn’t mean you can be wrong but please be careful in such resentful environments.

aww well thanks. i’ve been debating this topic since legion and none the worse for wear. keeps my mind sharper, at least.