The Infamous Horde Bias

And they’re like 90% horde now.

You know the math means that it’s 9% of the pvpers who went to horde and caused the whole faction imbalance according to your numbers. 9%?

While every other Battleground went to horde. Strand of the Ancients was so onesided(horde)they straight up removed it.

And now days horde win 90% of the time. Because the gear disparity is that large. More people play horde so more are going to be geared. So they’re going to stomp those without gear, because they’re doing 30 to 40% more damage and healing. Which massively discourages people playing Alliance and further increases the gear issue, and so continue to get stomped even more. So more play horde and so to does the likelihood of good players too. So even less people for Alliance to play with to get geared.
But that’s Blizzard’s fault for stupidly putting gear levels behind rating. Which has caused a cascading effect that has essentially killed off the Alliance in pvp.


No that’s your baseless assumption.

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90% of 10 = 9. 9%, your math, no need to rage out.

Again your baseless assumption, I never once stated it being the reason or sole reason for the faction imbalance. All I said was the majority who pvp are horde now, you assume the rest, including the “rage” lol.


Whatever you say. Though I assume every topic has been covered by now not sure what you could possibly say.

You and modern civilization wouldn’t exist without it happening.

Yeah okay King Leopold.

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Pvp doesn’t equal all aspects of the game and so is not the sole reason for the faction imbalance as a whole. Your the one making assumptions and coming to conclusions I never made.

It’s still true though, might be an ugly truth to you, but it’s still true.

Ad hominem eh? I guess you couldn’t argue against my point and proceeded to attack me instead? Looks like you just conceded the argument, good job!

When did I concede? Though after reviewing it seems I was smoking to much mojo the time I made that post. Damn goblins wearing the same similar mogging stuff. As for your original post now.

This would actually point to alliance bias as they by this statement the alliance have more access to more class combos currently. As all the alliance been crying, they are fixing the imbalance.

I never said it did my reasons are posted above of you care to look instead of start a same boring argument that plagues this whole thread.

Doubt, but as we can’t change the past we will never know.

I mean, you’re saying it’s true. That doesn’t make it true.

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I always love the hypothetical thought of if Columbus really did make it to India. How does it play differently? India was a country with guns and war elephants and some old Italian plants a flag in their dirt and claims it did Spain? I’m sure the ruling class in India would’ve taken THAT well.

History books says Columbus found India, provoked a war and died to war elephant!


I never said it was a bad excuse so I don’t see the point of your lecture.

It was not a lecture. It was an explanation. :woman_shrugging:

Obviously I didn’t need an explanation if I said “I know what the excuse is.”

well, that is afterall, why i tend to select the goody two shoes faction in video games. i’ve come face to face with my own dark side, and frankly, its not pleasant.

i think he means empathy. he’s stopped trying to understand the complaints because some alliance players are not worth understanding. he was just letting me know that i am not worth understanding either.