The Infamous Horde Bias

I stopped caring about the feelings of alliance players a long time ago due to the behavior of alliance fans. No sympathy.

I care about the High Elf story. Thatā€™s why I play Horde and Blood Elves w the continuation of the High Elf story.

So Iā€™m confused what it is you would stop caring about Hyper? High Elves?

oh i know. doesnt mean i shouldnt care either, unless you have a good reason why i shouldnt.

the allianceā€™s predicament. you realize the devs have abandoned the alliance so frequently that they are now having to let alliance play with horde. its a game both sides pay the same money to play. but one side only gets quality dev time because the alliance is boring, they say lol


I thought it was High Elves you cared about?

I started playing the game as Horde specifically because Blood Elves are the continuation of the High Elf story. Their story made more sense Horde. Thatā€™s the end of it.

If I had been a huge NE fan in WC3 (I wasnā€™t but letā€™s just use an example) I would have picked the game up and played Alliance and would be a fan of both.

Iā€™m confused why as a HE fan youā€™re in the predicament youā€™re in tbh

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They are but thatā€™s only because the devs made the alliance fifty shades of pure gleaming knight white. Villains? Nay! Even alliance players refuse villainhood!

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Itā€™s why I ask about attack on Zandalar. They gaslight and make up reason to justify then I know what kind of alliance player they are. If they concede even a inch, itā€™s a good sign for debate.

note zeraves. heā€™s saying alliance are the villians and likens the faction to real world colonizers. this, he moralizes, is why the devs mistreat the alliance faction because they represent evil in the world. so real people, who pay same money as him to play, are getting their just desserts since they are by proxy, evil colonizers


Some are liken to colonizers but more like invading Spanish to Aztec. No I donā€™t think the whole faction is villains, but that this would add much needed shades of greyā€¦

Entirely untrue, I like the alliance as having a darker side by acting colonizer like because of again shades of grey.

I personally believe the alliance is mistreated because the alliance faction base is split between those who want story and love and those who refuse any possible notion the alliance is anything but sparkling gold white shade with not a hint of dirt or grunge.

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but yet in your mind, the fact they are written as imperialists in your estimation is explanation enough for why the devs deliberately make their leaders do bad things, such as killing the zandalar king to signal the alliance as bad guys masquerading as good guys. iow, the alliance faction is a pressure release valve focal point, so people who think imperialists were historically evil, can, by proxy, lay it at the feet of a fantasy faction in a video game, beat them up and force them to beg for mercy. and the funny part is paying money to be abused is not my cup of tea, so i fuss about it. apparently the proxy is just suppose to smile and say thank you


Is there anyone who unironically thinks imperialism was a positive thing besides like 19th century British dudes who really loved spices?

A good thing again shades of grey.

The guys parading as good guys are alliance who wonā€™t accept any level of evil in their strictly Paladin only faction.

Entirely false. As you see genocide, slavery, war crimes, forced breeding and more are in the game. A good chunk of these acts committed by the horde infactā€¦ Seems a bit hypocritical to lay all evil at alliance feetā€¦ but again can you admit what the alliance did in Zandalar was a wrong? Or are we making alliance boring as a human Paladin here?

apparently its coming back en vogue.

of course. lol

The human Racial is garbage, it has zero use in pve(like most alliance racials)and shares a CD with trinket making it garbage for pvp too.

Nerfed, they still the best for both pve and pvp. Alliance Racials are only good situationally at best.

Then I already like you. If you read above I had alliance before, I played dark classes loved any dark lore I could findā€¦ What terribly small amount there isā€¦

Dark iron and Void Elves are a good addition as well as Kultiran for adding darker depth. But every time they try to write stories someone on the forum always complains, ā€œhow dare the alliance not be the heroes and morally right!ā€


Save your sympathy for things that actually matter. Iā€™m not trying to be shady or snarky. Remember that this is just a game, and weā€™re all here for fun.

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But it was the only reason that stop everyone going horde for pvp. Now its gone and everyone jump ship.