The Infamous Horde Bias

theyre horde now by the fact that they reside in quel’thalas

unless you honestly believe that auric just abandoned the small group he was in charge of after spending decades together

who do you think he is the ‘high elf’ representative of? what other group could he be representing?

its so ridiculous how you people cant refer to the same race with a single adjective. danuser was asked if alleria was a high elf or void elf(ridiculous question) and said characters in wow dont think like that. she considers herself a child of quel’thalas

even in game lorthemar and auric consider themselves all children of quel’thalas

high elves are blood elves. if you want to refer to the race in the past tense thats fine too because theyre interchangeable really. but you dont need to type high and blood elf every time. seriously lets move on already

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It’s not bias, it’s acknowledging the truth. Horde is superior.

no. blood elves are high elves. non-horde affiliated high elves are mostly half elves.

precisely. all the devs had to do is make sure horde racials were fitted to encounters, often enough, that alliance paid them to transfer.

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high elves are blood elves hyper. the vast majority in fact and to the point that everyone just assumes youre a blood elf on azeroth. and again like danuser said, characters in wow dont think like that, they all identify as children of quel’thalas

you guys are the ones creating this narrative. whose arguments are so weak you have to type blood/high elf every time to make it seem like they are different races or something

wE HaVe HiGh AnD BlOoD eLfS cOmInG To TeH VoId! pssst its the same race and blood elf is more accurate when referring to the race as a whole and really who the hell refers to a race by its political spectrum

Does Alleria still consider herself a high elf? Can one be both a high elf and a void elf?

Characters in Azeroth don’t think in terms of customization options or gameplay choices.

Alleria is a child of Quel’Thalas and a solider of the Alliance. She returned after 1000 years to find most of her surviving kin switched political affiliation. Didn’t change who she is.-Steve Danuser

I mean.
People are trying to justify a faction shifting to an allied race because they are carbon copy of Horde’s Blood Elves and they don’t even have enough population to justify that.

That is cleary horde bias.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


i didnt say blood elves werent high elves. i’m saying blood elves are the only high elves left, because the dalaran high elves have been assimilated and are half elves

considering its illegal in silvermoon/quel’thalas to even study the void, the idea theres a constant stream of blood elves joining the velfs is unreasonable. the secondary influx of new velfs is created by scattered half elves/high elves, and what my head cannon sees as spies from lor’themar, veressa and turalyon.

I agree.

It is unreasonable.

I would expect more and more High Elves (that didn’t turn into Void elves) to shift back to Quel’Thalas, observing Vereesa after the events of Shadowlands (and now to see 9.2.5 event in Silvermoon as well).

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you mean after alleria?

I don’t see Alleria being welcome in Silvermoon.

Vereesa, yes.

whats funny is vereesas last 3 appearances(bfa, 3 sisters,sl) only exist because shes sylvanas sister. it could be expansions before we see her again unless dalaran is involved or the farstriders need help

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yeah, alliance chars, even important npcs are just in holding patterns to support the horde story, while their warchiefs go crazy in some way. even the genocide of the night elves was so sylvannas could change shadowlands. it had nothing to do with the night elves. lol

I’d like all three windrunner (or as I like to call them, cringerunner) sisters to just fade into obscurity.

and its important to note here that two out of three of those are alliance leaders.

So sad, too bad.

They’re also not very good characters.

Veressa is a purity sue.
Alleria is a straight up full blown sue with over nine thousand ilevel plot armor.
Sylvanas is an edge sue with over nine thousand ilevel plot armor.



how do you say with a straight face vereesa is alliance and out there for them like alleria

The infamous Alliance pity party.

Alliance isn’t as hard done by as they pretend to be, and the faction would be a lot stronger overall if we could break away from this weak mindset.


when i stop caring, i stop playing. this is how it works.

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Luckily though, this is quite far from the truth. We know that their numbers are above Void Elves and they’re part of the Alliance in their missions - which is why they are still highly requested.

Ironically though, I found about this out while I was playing a gnome yesterday, after a long time. I was finally through my four armor class characters on Horde when I started to do the same for the new 9.2 catch up gear, when I went transmog-wise full Kirin Tor with him. And do you know what I totally forgot to back in MoP? The Kirin Tor Offensive beacon toy. I went back to Throne of Thunder and what’s the first thing I say? High Elves with, yes, Magnificent, High Elf catapults and even High Elf… bows in an unsuitable color.

The Silver Covenant has been part of the Alliance for a long time and the wiki confirms their activity across the expansions.

Well, reading through the posting below now, someone already posted about their activities now.

The interview has some weight but at the same time not due the conflicting numbers presented by the team. The Void Elves are literally a squad of ~20 people at maximum and yet they can be a playable race? No, I wouldn’t take Ion Hazzikostas seriously when it comes to the lore.

Maybe it should be pointed out, again for the Antis, that you cannot wear a Silver Covenant tabard as a Horde-player. But hey, they’re neutral, right?

It’s sad, yes.