The Infamous Horde Bias

of course. 2800 years of human/high-elf interminging in dalaran. already said that. dalaran is a neutral sanctuary for the most part, but if the silver covenant is as neutral as you claim, why arent they in the horde section of dalaran.


You’re right.

Vereesa Windrunner is front and center in that scene, wearing a SILVER COVENTANT tabard. The silver cov are fully affiliated with the alliance. Kirin Tor I understand is different.


the fact jaina uses them for neutral missions, like the battle for suramar, is being suggested as evidence they are kirin tor since jaina is.

I just used wowpedia for my info on silver cov.

The first paragraph of this source states they exist as a military deterrent for any potential Horde uprising and that they provide military support to the alliance.

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not sure where that was stated. but would vereesa have come to suramar if the kirin tor and khadgar not bothered to show up? doubt it. they were too busy tracking down alleria with the farstriders. she probably came at khadgars request

its the fact that they were formed to serve dalaran and only ever appear for the alliance as kirin tor representatives

its the fact that on isle of thunder they were called the kirin tor offensive not the SC offensive

its the fact the devs obviously dont count dalaran elves if they say theres only a couple

i mean why be in dalaran at all if they love the alliance so much?

lol i just remembered vereesa tried to join the horde after mop

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theres only a couple actual high elves BECAUSE they are assimilating into human cultures, becoming half elves. and apparently a handful are in telogus rift and named, high elf wayfarers. though technically, if ion and elisonde are to be believed, most high elves are actually half elves.

see this is why i advocated for half elves instead of high elves, and people resisting even half elves are why we have fair void elves today. pat yerselfs on the back

That still doesn’t make the SC Alliance.

They’ve never been a factor when the devs spoke on Alliance elf populations bcz they don’t consider them outside of Dalaran which is neutral.

How did I stand against Half Elves :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Because you seem to be speaking to more than one person here w that statement

Alliance didn’t need actual High Elves since Blood Elves are High Elves, Void Elves were actually really cool originally until they were diluted by the High Elfers into being bargain bin Blood Elves. I surely hope that Blizzard will eventually dip more into the void side of Void Elves to bring them back to being cool again.

I do know, and given oh I don’t know… Considering there’s fewer lightforged, void elves, a lot of allied races really, etc and so forth than those high elves you’d be wrong.

*Some high elves became blood elves, some remained. More so than many others. Whoops. If you check the race name - It’s not High Elves, it’s Blood Elves. It’s an entirely different moniker. But you do love to try to talk about stuff you don’t know anything about~ So bye

youre the exception. hey even many alliance didnt whole heartedly embrace the idea because they wanted to be non-infected/non-void infested/normal high elves. as it stood we were given tentacle infections and not a naaru in sight. we finally get quel’dorei only to find they kinda craz, tentatively called corrupt-a-wish, cuz the devs love us so much. hehe

Who’d have guessed this Horde bias thread would spiral into a high elf thread?


This is obviously just guesses, but I think the point being made was that they were being addressed by Elisade therefore acknowledged separate from other elves aka its own group, namely belves.

The wowpedia article and therefore the events of the game itself, which can be easily searched on google, refutes literally everything else in this post.

It’s like there’s some kind of aversion to just googling a claim before making it on the forums.

Like even this:

I literally just googled Silver Covenant and the first thing it says that that they support the alliance.

I wouldn’t even ask anyone to take my word for it - it’s easily googled. You guys have some serious blinders on if lore doesn’t suit your narrative, and spam like on each others posts regardless of its accuracy. Shame.

I don’t care about others. They are not object of discussion here.
The numbers of Quel’dorei outside Silvermoon were already low, then they got killed by Horde time and time again, others got turned into Wretched, leaving only Vereesa’s regiment and the Farstrider Lodge.

These are not enough to make up a race.

Almost ALL high elves became blood elves, with the exception of those regiments that were outside Quel’thalas for long time.

That seems like you self-projecting, since you’re the one who likes to talk about stuff without knowing anything about.

Vaya con Dios.


Lets be real it always does, if Blizzard would have never of given Alliance the Blood Elf/High Elf model for Void Elves the forums would still be annoying but nowhere near as bad as they have been and are since they did.

and alleria’s regiment in outlands. and however many she took with her to argus, where they had a few thousand years or something to multiply. i mean if the devs wanted to, they could be drawn from a previously unknown source. they just didnt want to because alliance are just the practice dummies for horde.


That was far gone by the time we arrived in Outland.

allerian stronghold in terokar has like 50 high elves. she musta left some behind

And quite possibly the group most likely to be returning to Quel’thalas


Well I appreciate the kind words anyways.