The Infamous Horde Bias

Same reason we never run out of alliance foot soldiers or Orc grunts.

With what the actual devs have done to this lore, you gonna call any other person talking about the lore fanfiction?

If that dude was fanfiction he would have been writing this garbage the last 6 or 8 years.

Take a break mr sweaty.


Thats sooo BFA

GIve me the number in the 3600 reedits of the lore since then

Non canon is non canon

lmao. youre saying the devs are wrong and a fan with an agenda is right. pls dont respond to me again


how can they be anything if there’s only 2.

i’m telling ya, ion says their dying off as a race due to becoming half elves. he interprets that as they are being assimilated into non-existence (at least the ones he hasnt blown up yet. hehe)

For people who seem learned enough to read and remember small details on every single history in the game, you guys cant read a simple line in a post.

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The data doesn’t matter linking it at all is intellectual dishonesty. You hinted it was non canon yet posted as if it should matter but it doesn’t nor ever will. Wow doesn’t do hard numbers for races.

I’ll be straight with you. You keep posting these partially completed sentences and I can’t follow this semi-english so I’m just not responding.

If you send a complete thought my way, I would genuinely be happy to throw my 2cents back.

That to much effort for a level ten forum alt mon, you see I don’t care what a mask has to say.

You assume I am trying to sway someone’s opinion or that have a side in this.

A poster asked for a number, I found one, said it might not be cannon and linked it.

It’s intellectual dishonesty to assign motive or malfeasance when there is none

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exactly hyper the alliance elves do not and have never had a quantifiable presence

thats why you guys instantly go on with fanfictions about how a militant faction of the kirin tor is actually an alliance one and is there for every alliance conflict. theyre just invisible or something. unless other kirin tor npcs are nearby then they magically appear!

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I’m not saying Ion is wrong, what’s with this reading comprehension? I clearly stated this source has nothing to do with what he claimed. Buddy clearly misunderstood Ion.

I’ll respond to you as long as you reply to me with that nonsense.

so you’re saying theres only 2 half elves also?
see ion thinks assimilation means non - existence of high elves, which is true - they are half elves. they’ve been assimilating in dalaran for 2800 years.

LOL again mon - I barely understand your writing. Are you in character? Are you actually trying to convey something? You’re an enigma, I’m like 90% sure you’re disagreeing with me but you’re doing it poorly. You got me man.

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What neutral groups remain could very well be returning to Quelthalas too. Lanesh has already been said to “have a story” we just haven’t heard it yet, and he looks like he’s in torn Scryer clothing which if he’s an OL HE and chose to join up w his people that speaks volumes. He predates blue eyes returning as an option by several expansions, and him and Auric could very well signify what little populations remain returning to their people (OL HEs arguably never got a choice to take the name Blood Elf).

Assuming what ever tiny neutral pockets are left you have either becoming Void infused, joining w the BEs, or the neutral SC like Mag pointed out.

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Originally no, Blizzard and Ion was very against giving Void Elves such options and told the Alliance if they wanted it to go play horde.

Except not really any ‘take’ for the Alliance in the first place.

Don’t know about that, even for Cata remake zones high elves are often on Alliance side.


why bother, in legion, confronting, naming and shaming quel’dorei if they are that close to extinction (and even she points out they are half elves)? she addresses them as a group of half elves who simply call themselves high elves. see everyone’s fixated on “high elf” and not paying attention to what ion and the story is actually saying. the helfs arent extinct in the sense of no helf dna left.

as far as their neutrality in dalaran is concerned, so what?

You certainly don’t know.
These are considered rebels and don’t make up enough numbers to even justify a slight faction. High Elves became Blood elves. Those that weren’t in Quel’Thalas during the scourge invasion and never took arms to actually help Quel’thalas are those that people are calling “alliance”.


Has anyone denied the existence of the SC?

Have I?

Neutral pockets?

You’re taking what’s being said as they don’t exist? Whats being said is that they aren’t Alliance.

The only things I see being argued

Is that they aren’t Alliance at least not the Elves you keep pointing to, like the SC

Thats the big thing though isn’t it, because what group of Elves that you’re specifically naming that Elisande “named and shamed” as you put it, their the Elves who are associated w where? Dalaran.

She is not wrong.

Not being sued by the TV Episode show runners who made the episodes of the bike constructions is a pretty good excuse. It wasnt just Blizz involved with that there was an actual motorcycle company involved along with many designers. This was actually a many series kind of put together by an actual TV broadcasting group. Anytime those folks get involved there is a mountain of iron clad paperwork involved

If this whole contest had been 100% virtual and only Blizz was involved? Id agree with you and call this an excuse but it wasnt. Tovi you seem to forget how many companies were involved in this little “contest”

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