The Infamous Horde Bias

Can we not use real world protests about brutality and equality to compare protests about game bias? We all know where you got this saying from. I’m not disagreeing with all of your statements but it feels wrong to be using this terminology in the wake of real world social justice issues that use similar terminology to gain momentum.


Wow. You are right, this guy doesn’t even have BFA pathfinder or an Alliance character yet somehow he’s the lead developer? not sure how that’s possible… how can he lead a game if he doesn’t even fully explore all the content himself. Sidenote: his mog is atrocious.


Ion doesn’t do transmog.

Bias works both ways, but Alliance “blame everything on Horde bias” obsessives ignore things like the difference between the Alliance garrison, which was a pretty princess castle in the valley of the shadow of paradise vs the Horde garrison, a hole in the ground full of rotting leather tents in a frozen wasteland.


There definitely was a Horde bias among devs that was glaringly obvious during Cataclysm:

  • New Horde Race - Wicked starting zone with exciting story. Extended starter quest line featuring Thrall, the main protagonist in the expansion. A section or Orgrimmar plus an entire low level questing area terraformed into a Horde symbol with a rocket sled to carry players to their questing hubs.

  • New Alliance Race - Wicked starting zone with exciting story. Part way through some nameless Night Elves show up and deposit you under a tree in Darnassus.

The truth of the matter is that they started first on the Goblins but ran out of time rushing to a predetermined launch date (a blue post that got nuked quickly). Despite the obvious the official line was to deny that any uneven treatment existed.

The backlash was enough however for them to be much more careful in the future. I think an attempt to even things up is why Alliance garrisons were palaces while Horde garrisons looked like a poorly managed campground.

tldr: There definitely was an obvious bias at one time but I don’t think it’s really a factor today.


The thing that gets me is they have the majority of their faction leaders and the two that stepped down are alive and reputation untarnished.

Humans - Originally Anduin and Bolvar, then Varian (that went out like a champ), Anduin again and now some light bulb. Anduin isn’t ruined, turned or murdered.
Night Elves - Tyrande, leader since classic.
Gnomes - Mechawhatever, leader since classic
Dwarves - Magni, turned into a diamond and still around, Council of the Three Hammers since Cata
Draenei - Velen, leader since TBC
Worgen - Genn, leader since Cata
Pandas - Aysa, leader since MoP
Velf - Alleria, Legion
LFD - Fareeya, Legion
DID - Moira, classic… kind of
Kul Tiran - Proudmoore, BfA
Mechagnome - Erazmin, BfA

All the original leaders alive. All replacement leaders but one is alive, and the dead one has one of the best cinematics in WoW history. None of them are hated by the majority of players. Tyrande and Genn get labeled as annoying sometimes but their reputation is still intact.

Then we go to the Horde leaders. Let’s start with orcs because they’re the most fun.

Orcs - Thrall ran away, Garrosh is dead, Saurfang is dead, Eitrigg ??
Trolls - Volj’in was murdered by trash mobs
Tauren - Cairne was killed in a footnote and Baine is an Alliance boot licker
Undead - Sylvanas … ROFL
Blood Elf - Lorthemar, for the love of all that’s holy put him in bubble wrap
Goblins - Gallywix turned more evil and disappeared
Pandas - Ji, MoP
HMT - Mayla, being ruined by Baine
Nightborne - Thalyssra, Legion
Mag’har - Geya’rah, BfA
Zandalari - Talanji, BfA
Vulpera - Kiro, BfA

When I look at that list, I don’t feel loved or favored as a Horde player. I feel… hated.


Too much blade not enough haft.

truly meaningful characters to the story.


I wonder how many Horde NPCs are gonna get killed off in the next xpac. Bias… riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight


You guys are getting a new blood elf blood knight character in 9.2.5. (Technically old she used to be one of the orphans you would ride around) But guess what? She already has built in villain bat flags.


Played both sides a lot until I was forced to be horde via friend group and I can say… That Grass is not always greener. In this argument I will be stating that Infact alliance are the favored faction.

Always losing all your lore in-depth leaders too reasons to become a villain or in my case a random felguard… The other half of our faction leaders are basically alliance lap dogs. Anytime a horde leader shows aggression towards alliance they die. I’m waiting for them to kill off Talanji now, even though she’s justified in her hatred.

First let’s be honest, the alliance one was built to look like a caterpillar, it doesn’t look human like or gnome or any ally race… The losers designed a bad bike secondary…

Oh boy another story of the hordes ruined races! I don’t mean to be crass but as a guy who played both sides the horde have been totally screwed in any inch of stable lore. Since the horde was made they have slowly been killing off leaders and completely changing racial identity of most of the races. Trolls? No leader, for atleast 2 expansions. Forsaken? Full blown identity crisis here… Their whole damn thing was about the banshee queen savior and now she has a Sisyphean task and is likely to come back changed “another alliance lap dog”. Orcs? Thrall maybe. Old style orcs? Nope. You get the raised by humans Orc leader only! The blood elves are cowering limp wand addicts who are so afraid of losing their sunwell they lost all their backbone and are scared of a no named void creature mob. Every horde race has been changed to be alliance in red.

You see it, I loathe these changes. The horde is hardly a faction of outcast strong races from savage backgrounds.


A lot of the imbalance was caused when racial were not properly balanced. The high end raid guilds went horde for the powerful racials. After that was fixed there was first of no reason to go back to alliance and then i believe there was also an issue where if you did switch back you would loose some titles or something along those lines. If you look at things like the MDI you see alliance typically played. Once again because of racials.

The imbalance is there and i don’t think blizz has done much to fix it mainly cause they don’t know how. They aren’t going to give an op racial to the alliance to try and balance the factions. I mainly think the imbalance is happening now because of the races you get to choose from. This is a fantasy game.

The alliance to me is basically a bunch of human races (Humans, Gnomes, Dwarfs, Kul Tiren, Dark Iron Dwarf, Mecagnome are all essentially humans You can even add Worgen to that list really) that makes 7 of the 12 alliance races basically humans. Or 6 if you see the worgen differently still half the alliance is human races. And the others are 2 elves and 2 alien and a bear or a bear and a dog. Either way mostly just human races.

When you look at horde you get a far bigger variety of choices Humans(undead), Elves, Orcs, Bear, Cow, Troll, Fox, Goblin (could be seen as mini orc) You have more choices for your avatar and your avatar matters a lot as you see it the most.

Also take into account not everyone plays a fantasy game to play a human when you could play a big muscular cow or orc or just a regular every day human or big oversized human.

I mainly see the imbalance being caused by the fact the horde races draw in new people as in oh thats cool and alliance is just your neat but kinda average races. I started playing as horde but during Cata my guild died and a good chunk of the guildies joined friends on alliance so this is where i ended up i would love to be horde still as i like the races more but i’m playing with my friends is much more fun then a race skin or racial


I have written this before but the Bee mount is an Alliance Kul Tiran Stormsong Valley exclusive pathflight mount and you quest there about the Kul Tiran Beekeeper lore. It made never sense to give it to the Horde.

The first post lacks several documented issues where people screamed bias:

  • Battle for Azeroth: Warfront favouritism for us (Horde) who could farm equipment without a level restriction and had access to the initial warfront far longer than the Alliance.
  • Castle Nathria and the one guild who moved over to Alliance for the dwarf racials, only for Blizzard to nerf the racial. Compared on how long the Troll and Goblin-racial was used during the Throne of Thunder and Legion-raids, they nerfed it right before the get-go.
  • “You are welcome, Alliance”-mocking video presentation slide from BlizzCon for the new AI-based battleground.
  • Mocking of the Alliance-players during the Heroes of the Storm Alterac Valley presentation
  • The Horde emblem below Varian’s grave

I didn’t see this until Blastkrizzle quoted it:

So you’re saying Blizzard created this mount AND the npcs that share the model, plus the questline to raise your own Aqir, between 8.2.5 and 8.3 because Horde players whined?

Where’s your proof for this or are you spazzing out as usual?

p.s. If Blizzard was going to “cave to the whining,” why wouldn’t they just let us ride the bee, the way the Alliance can ride Kuafon and Torcali?


Sounds like alliance got its own quest line with interactions and lore and alliance pretend it doesn’t exist to claim horde got bias.

Speaking of whining… Void Elves… I don’t think anyone can deny the sheer unadulterated ton of whining that came from alliance to give them void “high” elves while simultaneously creating the worst lore addition I have ever seen towards Belves.


Was this 2015? Why does my achievement say 2018?

It definitely wasn’t 2018. Hang on, I’ll look it up. I do have a bad memory.

So I was wrong but not as off as you :stuck_out_tongue:

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No, 2018 sounds wrong but 2015 is kind of jarringly long ago. It also sounds right.

2014… I’ve been playing too long.

Yeah, I was able to vote over 100 times.

I never bought that because that means an Alliance player could also vote 100 times.

And if there are more Horde than Alliance than the correct faction won, whether or not everyone was voting 100 times or 1 time.

Also, if there was cheating, how is that Blizzard showing bias?


lol i have never had 100k gold, so i cant buy my faction’s bike. but i was able to get the free horde bike before it was pulled, on my horde char. lol