The Infamous Horde Bias

You piping up again? I thought you were put in your place after exposing your cringe takes in this thread?

I’d be happy to encourage more tears out of you if you’d like.

What makes me happy is you still glow blue and bleed weird.

Shame most other people that play Void Elves don’t like it and complain about it.

Your opinions so far haven’t really showed anything except that you are trying to act like others feel bad or should feel bad about having the actual High Elf race while you are liking and playing the wannabe version, how’s it feel to be Walmart vs Sephora?


Most people you say, source on this? Expecting crickets.

Maybe read my posts again then, because as per usual you’re incorrect. A FEABLE attempt to strawman me.

Seems like you’re really taking this to heart. You should know that, like the other person in denial (orc dk) when you resort to comments like this, it’s clear to everyone that you’re projecting a deep envy for what alliance got and horde didn’t get. It’s as sad as it is funny.

I’m not a loser, so I don’t get the reference.

Feel free to look through almost any type of thread about Void Elves or Void Elf customizations post almost anywhere people are always requesting a toggle to hide the glowing racial effect to look more normal.

What’s sad is you thinking that you have the better version when we have the real version, you literally have the wannabe version and it’s laughable because if it was so great as you claim none of you people including you would have wanted our stuff you would have been happy with what you had but you weren’t were you? Haha.

Are you sure about that because last time I checked Void Elves were the bargain bin Blood Elves that were supposed to help to fix the Alliance population because you got a copy/paste of our number one race, then similar customizations and it still hasn’t happened so again which side is the losing side?


yeah, cause its not available from level 1, so new players cant select them and seasoned players are all on the horde already. alliance is doomed, doomed i say

Ohhhh, so your source is your own research in the general discussion forums!! I see! So, I guess I’ll be the one to tell you: that’s extremely bad, which likely explains how bad your takes are. In other words, you assessed that MOST void elves don’t like their racials out of thin air - gottttttttttt it.

When did I say better? Is this another weak attempt at a strawman? You’re the one that’s threatened by my enjoyment of an alliance allied race.

To cope, you’re the one insisting me to what’s “real” or “true” - again with no actual basis in reality. I have simply responded with ~“well my natural void elf is real to me”.

If you’re even capable of a remotely objective thought - have a look at our exchange, look at how often you are compelled to put down what I enjoy.

Here there’s even more:

You are resorting to attacking alliance pop now? LMAO you are grasping now. Just come out and say it: “wELL i DoN’T wAnT tHe OtHeR tEaM tO HaVe wHaT i HaVe!”. It’s profoundly childish.

I like to cringe though - keep it coming.

i dont mind the glowy blue thing, but i sure hope they give us more hairstyles.


Allied Races aren’t hard to obtain and if someone really wants to play something they will do what they have to in order to get it, so I have to disagree, it’s more because if you can have a real Blood Elf/High Elf vs a wannabe one why play the wannabe one.

If you don’t actually keep track of what your side requests and where, that’s on you not me, I don’t even main Alliance or Void Elf and I know what they ask for. I mean really get real.

You can enjoy it if you want to, the great thing is I’m allowed to point out what I think of it as well because I’m entitled to it’s called freedom and I live in America so I’m allowed that freedom because I’m not breaking the COC by stating my opinion of you or Void Elves.

You seem to call everyone childish that you don’t like what they have to say so if that’s really all that you got this conversation is over with because nothing Alliance said about getting our race, our customizations, etc. has helped them because the fact is the bargain bin Blood Elves are exactly that bargain bin which is gross.

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Agreed. The hairstyles are lacking. I really only like 2 or 3.

wait for your void elf paladin!

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I guess I’ll spell it out for you. What you read on general discussion should not be used as the overall sentiment for what all World of Warcraft players think or want. If you don’t understand why, there’s nothing that I can do for you.

When did I attack your right to voice your opinion? I’m criticizing your transparent tactics in debating me. Thanks for describing what freedom is though LOL.

I mean, if you come at me with an opposing view that literally isn’t: “wELL i DoN’T wAnT tHe OtHeR tEaM tO HaVe wHaT i HaVe!” I won’t call it childish. Otherwise, if the shoe fits though.

If you think me calling your take childish is the “only” thing I have to say - then yeah the conversion should be over as you seem barely capable of one.

Enjoy being triggered by this. Did I mention that I think it’s just GREAT that blizzard added natural skin tones/hair to void elves? Suits the lore, and was a great decision all around. Gosh I just love it!

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I would like a realm with no other linked realms that is 100% Alliance players (no option to create a Horde toon) and another realm with no other linked realms that is 100% Horde players (no option to create an Alliance toon). This would be bliss! Only certain NPCs would be of the opposite faction.

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LOL! I’d love that, but careful - you will trigger the easily triggered :joy:

And by bliss you mean pointless?

I’m never going to agree with you about that, if someone wants something they can put in the time and the effort but I still think it’s pointless when you can play an actual High Elf/Blood Elf on Horde, as I said Void Elves are gross and with new class announcements if Kul Tiran get Warlock eventually I’m going to discard having a Void Elf and race change her.

If I cant have a REAL NO PVP server, Id take this in a heartbeat

we were talking about why having blood elves on the alliance is not helping - et al, seasoned players are mostly horde and new players cant even navigate the chromie time maze, much less figure out how to grind for an allied race, hidden on another planet with a secret entrance and a long quest chain to unlock. lol


There are sites like Wowhead to literally guide someone through anything, if someone can’t Google how to get something they really want that’s a them problem, I don’t feel Allied Races need to just be handed to people, it’s bad enough they already had so much changed about them from when they were implemented.