The Infamous Horde Bias

oh! turalyon?

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It does matter.
It doesn’t matter to you only.

Yeah, it doesn’t, because in the end you know you’re just a tentacle, you’re not high elf or blood elf either.

And it makes you go into head-canon, being delusional to think that you actually are.
Blizzard made the greatest troll into giving tentacles the visual of a high elf. You aren’t and you will never be.


and who did they do that to? go’head you can admit it. :joy:

its not bias if everyone is horde and you chose to play the minority.

Hmm, fair response albeit incorrect, I guess I could only respond with what I’ve said already:

Translation: I’m extremely jealous that alliance has void elves, and my nerd rage peaked when they deservingly got natural hair and skin tones.

Question though, I’m considering leveling another void elf (high elf customized of course), which class do you recommend - rogue or mage? - My bad if my personal enjoyment is triggering you though.

i’m not a masochist. lol
but i like the alliance.

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Look at the nightebourne level 10 replying me (obviously in an alt).
That is the one they did it.

And I love seeing him malding over the reality.

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The Alliance needs non-human races to stay relevant. Just look at how generic everything is at this point while we have a better race diversity.

Lore-wise impossible due Jaina’s father and how loyal the people are to the Proudmoores, if I remember it correctly.

This is not true, they were hard fought-after on the forums. You can still find topics about them with the waybackmachine, before the forum software was updated and the message boards were completely wiped.

The were requested to be part of the regular Tauren customization.

They reduced the Night Elves population, it was a major blow for the race. Undercity was completely evacuated when the Alliance raided it.

Should be playable by now, especially when it only takes a few minutes to give the trolls more muscle mass.

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Is it Horde Bias if, I as a Horde player want Alliance to have Arrakoas as an Allied Race so I can have a cool Non Human Creature that can be Paladin and Warlock?

No this is my main.

mmmm another projection. Keep the tears coming. Did I mention that it’s just so great to play high elves in alliance now?

No, it’s actually reasonable to support the Alliance until they’re back on their feet. For now.

And the alt level 10 keeps malding.

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I can tell you’re out of delusions to spout directly to me by not actually replying. I’ll leave you be.

Stay mad kid. Stay mad.

Everything is horde bias in their head-canon.


What’s the to be jealous of? Blood Elves are and will always be the real High Elves it’s literally in our lore.

Blood Elves also don’t glow blue while in combat or bleed a weird color.

As for skintones and hair colors yes we might share all of our skintones and most of our hair colors with Void Elves but our hairstyles look better and more natural looking where there’s literally only one decent looking Void Elf female one and I don’t know about males because I have never tried a male Void Elf.


oh come now, you cant possibly look this amazing.


i’m being silly. hehe

If there was Horde Bias, I’d be looking like an Undead Belf in SL instead of just… growing a full goatee.

Do you not realize void elves are largely former blood elves? LOL. They are literally the same species.

“Real” and “true” only exist in your head. A weak coping mechanism. My natural looking void elf is pretty real to me - and anyone that subscribes to reality.

You wish - I love it. Alleria-style.

No they don’t. Just that’s just my opinion - like yours.

Except your opinion is trash, and nobody cares.

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