The Infamous Horde Bias

And that’s where we couldn’t disagree more. To me, the writers are beyond any doubt 100% Horde biased… because the storyline keeps justifying Horde getting whatever they want and if Alliance gets screwed over in the process, it seems like they give themselves bonus points.

Anyway, while we disagree completely on that, it is nice to have a back and forth with someone intelligent.

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Plays Void elf
“there is clearly horde bias”.

I can’t tank this.

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it should. not a good feelin’

I don’t understand.

I play both factions…same guild…same guild members.

You aren’t limited to just the one.

Your whole opinion is bias against horde, so you will keep your one-sided discussion and you will only see horde bias because you literally close your eyes to the alliance facts. You wouldn’t even talk about them.

Alliance wanted to have Blood elves, they never got, so they got re-colored blood elves named void elves, now customization to look like blood elves, and they are still not happy enough.

They probably wanted Silvermoon too.

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I would love to see all the folks claiming the writers aren’t biased to explain this one away.


i do love my velf, but i dont love what it did to belfs. and the rest of the stuff, like a rock with no buildings is my home lol pretty stars tho. its a love-hate thing.

You aren’t limited to playing just one of the stories. You, as a player, get to play both. Does it matter what flag you have in the corner of your screen?

You just stated its pointless to debate with you.

I asked you several times about horde supposedly getting whatever we want and you wouldn’t respond.

If your default stance that the writers are irrevocably horde biased then its impossible to have a fruitful conversation with you because your default is that the latter is always wrong and details be damned.

I asked you several times and I havent got a response and only heard bad reasons.

I think you are literally blinded by this bias of yours.


pot, meet kettle


Dude, I have like 4-5 people responding to me. I picked the one who, in my opinion, is the most worth responding to. But maybe I missed your gem of brilliance.

What do you want me to respond to again?

The void elves should look very different from blood elves, and distinctly.

You can distinct a human and an orc (given no one is altering their appearances with toys).
You can distinct a gnome and a goblin.
You can distinct a troll and a night elf.
You can distinct a Nightbourne and a Night elf.
You can’t distinct a Void elf and a Blood elf.

That is broken.

I feel that, regardless of faction affiliation, all elves should be able to enter Silvermoon (and it becoming a Sanctuary) and having their lair there.

But at same time I don’t feel like inviting alliance members into our faction capitals because that defeats the purpose of Warcraft.

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he wants evidence for your statement that the horde gets what they want. i gotta admit, the devs ignored their allied race requests too.

shoulda been a half elf. even had lore support.

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To have a playable race you have to have numbers to justify them existing in masses.
It is not like elves and Humans have been fooling around for long time lol.

The Horde has lost every single major conflict since mop lol

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Elaborate on how horde always get what we want yet we still don’t have ogres despite lore reasons saying we already have a clan aligned with us, as well as a tribe or amani trolls allied with us.

That we cant play, where is this we always get what we want coming from?

Because I was very active in legion and didnt hear any calls for nightbournes joining their faction, but lore tidbits were planted early showing nightbourne getting along better with blood elves due to sharing struggles.

ah ha, its been 2800 years of half elf creatin’ in dalaran. i did the research. the quel’dorei been hanging with humans for a long time. taught them mage-ry we did. good reason to have them refuse to follow kael to outlands as they have their own half elven families.

In the heat of an argument, I dealt in an absolute… so of course someone’s gonna be like: “Gotcha - there’s one thing we haven’t gotten yet.”

Fair enough. That doesn’t mean Horde bias doesn’t exist though.

Now give Ogres to ALLIANCE… and then I’ll have to reevaluate.