The Infamous Horde Bias

we didnt ask for the ones that followed kael. we asked for the ones that didnt follow kael, the ones we could see in azeroth. in fact, i never played the warcraft rts so didnt even know about the ones that followed kael, till tbc and even then i didnt know the lore because it was not wow, it was a separate game. all i knew about were the ones i could see in azeroth

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You mean the ones the horde killed during questing in Vanilla?
I hope you don’t mean those who stayed in Quel’Thalas. Because that would be… weird.

Yes, Blizzard wrote a lore reason to give Nightborne to Horde. They do that to give Horde things they want. It wasn’t even particularly out of character for Tyrande.

I think we … agree?


Who said we wanted the Nightborne?
You speak that as almost single horde player wanted it. That is not nearly the truth.

But instead of getting the nightfallen we got our re-colored blood elves, I would feel very uncomfortable.

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well you clearly didnt kill them all cause they were all over the allerian stronghold, in the argent tournament tents, in dalaran, in the crystalsong outpost, on the isle of thunder, and in the suramar invasion forces. even elisonde addresses them

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don’t forget it was the same issue with High mountain Tauren as well.

Kind of ironic that 2 of the 4 races switched factions.

Nightborne (Night elves) went Horde
Void Elves (Blood Elves) went Alliance

Could you imagine if
HighMountain Tauren went Alliance
Kul Titans went Horde

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Yes, I think we are in agreement that the Nightborne joined the Horde in a storyline based in grounded, reasonable lore, and that the “Alliance helped them too!” argument is reductive and simple-minded.

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No one asked for nightbourne and we have no concept of allied races at that time.

It was a creative decision, get this victim complex out of your head that we get whatever we want, we dont.

No one asked for high mountain eitber.

Yeah, these cannot even be compared to a kingdom’s population.
To have a player faction you would’ve to justify the numbers.

Just remember: Those in Northrend are the same on the Isle of Thunder and Suramar invasion forces. It is not because you see them there right now it means they remain there after the expansion was gone.

I… gotta ask. Who do you think writes the storyline? It sounds like you genuinely believe Blizzard Devs don’t write the story, that it sprouts up from the ground or something.

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Horde fans like me asked for Ogres since they fit in the Horde so well… and yet looks around at all the elves in my Horde

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it just feels bad. i really liked oculeth. but theoretically, if he saw my char that helped him, now, he’d be an enemy. its yucky

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I just remembered this…

Alliance asked for humans to have similar haircuts of Blood Elves so they could rp saying they were half-human/elves.

I don’t believe the writers are inherently Horde biased, and I don’t think the Nightborne’s reasoning for joining the Horde were convoluted and clearly the result of Horde favorable bias.

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But they only almost exclusively show up in ceremonial roles.

And I guess you missed it, high elves are dying out, its very known in the elven world that the high elves are breeding out and diluting the blood.

Where blood elves have been working on restoring their race and making their way in the world, something the high elves have no real pressence in.

Blood elves showed tremendous progress coming back from a race that was 90% killed off, and the high elves didnt help improve that, they clung to the alliance and do nothing notable.

you see my post up there a ways, with the 3d half elf model concept?

Actually it’s kind of funny that two races literally said “I will not join the Alliance because a human or elf said mean things” and races like the Blood elves joined the former Scourge that destroyed their homeland, the trolls they fought (yeah I don’t care about tribe - if you fight long enough you are weary of all) an the actual Horde that raided the GHostlands (and were pushed back by Sylvanas)


I really liked the lightforged, and I had to kill the fancy one with a mouth covering and a sword in bfa.

Felt bad man.

But again, no one brings up how we both helped the light forged or how I helped start alleria on the void elf path.

8 non horses.


They arent dying off, they are becoming half elves. and i woulda been fine with half elves. oh well