The Infamous Horde Bias

But you literally prove the bias yourself, then end with: “That’s why it doesn’t exist.”

So you get everything you want as a faction for 100% justified reasons… and that’s why Horde Bias doesn’t exist? You’re even like using Lore reasons… when Blizzard themselves is writing the lore to justify giving Horde everything they want.

twas the beginning of it, yes. in vanilla, the majority of visible high elves were the ones who didnt follow kael’thas to outlands, and were allied with the alliance. thru out vanilla, they were the only high elves we could see because the blood elves had already departed to outlands, following kael in vanilla. we just were not allowed to play them and theoretically still cant, since void elves are just blue blood elves. they simply refused to give us high elves, even as half elves. heck alleria’s half elven son is in the honor hold and gives a quest too, looking all dapper in the judgement paladin set. they made sure we had to take quests from them, as they showed up in every expac in at least one questing hub, except bfa.

Also lore reasons, the high elves on the alliance are dying out, and other races point out they have kept interbreeding with humans and its diluating their kind, where the blood elves have actually been restoring their kind and arent a side prop like high elves are to the alliance.

All high elf arguements basically just say alliance has them, why cant we play them? They are blind to the fact they have been becoming less and less, even wow devs had to ask the lore writers if it was okay to use a high elf somewhere because of how held sacred their appearances were.

I think the point here:

Alliances asks for something: “Can’t, because Lore.”
Horde asks for something: “Sure, we’ll write the Lore to justify it.”


I wish there is a way to thumbtack the OP’s well researched post. The truth that Blizzard favors Horde over Alliance is known for many years. It’s shameful!

One thing though, I am really glad Vulperas went to Horde. That one bias is a blessing for Alliance.

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Bias doesn’t exist.
The fact that you keep out that you got the “alliance blood elf version” is the utmost proof that bias do not exist, but crybabies get their way at the end of the day if they cry enough.

You mean like losing the uniqueness of one of our most played race? Justified by lore?

Come on.


For clarity: you, as the player character, a singular member of either the Horde or Alliance, helped the Nightfallen resistance on behalf of Khadgar, a neutral party, in an effort to gain access to Suramar and defeat the Legion. Those were the conditions of the player character’s involvement with the Nightfallen and Thalyssra.

The player character was not present in that storyline as a representative of their respective faction.

the devs prolly said, egads these high elves are boring tea-totallers. we’re doing the alliance a favor.
little do they know, we like all that traditional fantasy goody two shoes stuff lol


But that’s the exact same relationship they had with Horde players.

So why did they go Horde? Because Blizzard wanted them to, so they made Tyrande say rude things to one of them and apparently that’s enough to make them wanna murder me in Island Expeditions now.

Again: Horde wants something, Blizzard writes the lore to make it work. Alliance wants something: “No sorry, cause Lore.”

If Horde bias didn’t exist, they would have been a neutral faction. End of story.


I think it had less to do w either faction and more to do w where the High Elf race fit best in the story and that was Horde.


I remember very clear Tyrande already saying rude things to them during Legion.
Tyrande is the most xenophobic character in the game (I think she and Garrosh mid Pandaria would be a power couple).


The story wrote itself before it was even written tbh, the NB story parallels the BEs more than anything, and BEs and NB shared Highborne ancestry, they were destined to be fast friends that the story reinforces this is an example of good story


I see, but I dont see where any favortism is coming into that?

And the half elven son is going to stay in alliance no matter what cause he idolizes his parents who were alliance heros.

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And it was all because the act of the own alliance they ended up with the Horde.
And even when they started having conversations about possibly joining the alliance, Jaina blew it up and caused genocide on Blood Elves in Dalaran, making them going with Horde more than never.

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What are you talking about though? We have been wanting ogres for eons and they even have ogre clans part of the horde, we even have a sect of amani trolls part of the horde we cant play.

So where is this arguement of “we’ll justify comes from?”

Yo the fact they still didn’t outright get them after 15 years of lobbying for them screams Horde bias like who else comes up with tentacle elves instead of High elves and doesn’t admit to some ulterior motives?? There’s been much less lobbying for all else that’s added and they still got it!


BE fans asked that visual uniqueness remain intact… and yet looks around


*By the writers who prefer alliance lore

Precisely my point. You, the player character were not a representative of your respective faction. Once the actual representatives for the Horde and Alliance were present, lines were drawn and allies were chosen.

People get themselves in a twist about Tyrande’s behavior in the Suramar questline as if it was out of character for her, when actually, it was very much in line with her characterization in WoW. Tyrande has grievances, justified or not, with the people of Suramar that she hasn’t gotten over in the 10,000 years following the War of the Ancients. It be like that sometimes.


I wouldn’t care if they got void elves that actually weren’t exactly Blood elf recolor.
It is not like we got Night Elves re-color with Nightfallen, they are different.