The Infamous Horde Bias

The same game that saw Quel’thalas formerly leave the Alliance?

High Elves and the main culture are Horde and have been so longer now than they ever were Alliance.

Blood Elves are the main population and majority and continuation of High Elf culture, Quel’thalas left the Alliance long before WoWs start and Alliance was never entitled to the race that organically fit better as Horde.


not commenting on the fact blood elves fit better on the horde. just pointing out that because it happened the way it did, it effected the rest of the game.

With Darkfallen / DRs most likely coming and so many Horde races getting Priest, Mage and Rogue to play, Blizzard is doubling down in its usual Horde favouritism and crushing the Alliance once again. They haven’t even bothered to at least update that Human Vanilla rig since they’ll be using it for Drakthyr. Let’s start placing bets on how many are gonna roll Orc priests and Mages as well as Tauren in 10.0


I don’t think High Elves becoming a Horde core race effected the rest of the game tbh the faction imbalance wasn’t even what it is until WOD / Legion so a race being added in BC was the reason expansions later that happened?

Doesn’t this better serve as an example how lacking Horde combos were if this move ends up helping more races, ie: Alliance already had more races w all the combos checked off and Horde is being brought up to speed

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I don’t understand how any Alliance player sincerely feels like they had the rug swept out from under them when the Nightborne decided to join the faction that was quite clearly sympathetic to them. This was evident as early as patch 7.1, in the “Insurrection” questline in Suramar.

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It doesn’t matter because you have Blood elves who can already be almost anything, same with Orcs, so everyone got to play these and be almost anything and have great racials at same time. Now that you get more classes the field is free for you to crush the Alliance all you want with your populations


Yeah the BE dialogue for Suramar doing WQs I recall as being much friendlier in tone than NEs dialogue for the same WQs which kinda showed a POV imo

Also even if Tyrande didn’t mess things up, I would still say NB going Horde made more sense w BEs and NB having a genuine connection of friendship and common Highborne background, disregarding those Elves who lived in a cave for year until re entering NE society since I know someone will bring them up

It does because you’re claiming

All races are being given these class combos regardless of race, if Alliance are benefitting less from that move -

Thats not Horde favoritism that clearly shows just how limited some of our races and class combos were.

In fact you’re pointing out Alliance favoritism by arguing the point.


And that’s not unique just to BfA. I remember when the Worgen got a plain horse as their racial mount while Goblins got an entirely new tri-motorbike as theirs. There was concept art for a unique large wolf as the mount for Worgen but apparently it never happened for some reason.

If Alliance was favoured there wouldn’t be 65% of people playing Horde. Both the OP and others have made great points proving Horde favouritism. They make their money out of people playing Blood elves and faction / race changing to them. And Void elves cannot compare because they don’t have much customization or as many classes, or a unique capital and starting zone. Now Horde has both the metal-head orcs and undead for those who like them, two separate elf races, and furry Vulperas. They tick all the boxes while all Alliance has is its nice cities and the Vanilla Humans and Elves with a really bad rig.


this is both true and false. we can essentially be 2 races. we just dont have tats, jewelry, hair/face decorations and we are short on hairstyles

No one here has proved,showed any horde favoritism, and the points you listed here are horrendous.

Just cause horde has blood elves is horde favoritism? That is a complete joke.

Just like this thread.


Stick to the point being talked about that you brought up please.

Because this wasn’t it was it

You specifically brought this up as an example of Horde favoritism, and its not if it is any favoritism it shows how lacking Horde race class combos were

See how this is all in reference to your point you were trying to make, but now you’ve switched up to some grander idea of favoritism.


There’s plenty lore-friendly reasons why Alliance could have high elves and an infinite amount that could be created to justify it.

Of course they aren’t entitled to it. It’s just something nice Blizzard could do for a vocal minority that have wanted it for more than a decade.

BTW: refresh my memory - is there anything a vocal minority of Horde players have wanted for the Horde that they didn’t wind up getting? Other than Alliance shutting up about bias, anyway. They wanted a better Orgrimmar, they got it. They wanted upright postures, they got it. They wanted undead that weren’t rotting, they got it. They wanted brown orcs, they got it. They wanted cute races, they got it.


Thanks for the thread, it shows OP has a bias against horde.

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It really feels like a waste of time to try to argue with those who believe the Horde is favored by blizz. They’ve already decided there’s a bias against the alliance and no amount of proof is going to change their minds.
I’ll just put this out there, ‘Birds aren’t Real’. :chicken:


You’re not wrong, but this kind of argument is ridiculous. Blizzard made the choice to give the faction we were both helping for an entire expac to Horde for reasons… of course they’re going to write the story to reflect it.

It doesn’t change it was an absolute bullcrap move by the Devs, coincidently against Alliance (like always). They 100% should have been a neutral faction, as Alliance players helped them out just as much as Horde players. Simple as that.


Except there aren’t high elves, they became Blood Elves. Alliance didn’t need or have to have them just for the sake of making blue players happy.

That was changed for Lore purposes, where Garrosh weaponized the horde using Saronite and all his experience from the Northrend campaign. It has nothing to do with player’s request.

You mean they gave Thrall and Saurfang (and other important Orcs) the upright posture, then gave the players the same customization?

You mean additional customization (and something that also helped Blizzard to ship their game in China without having to modify the whole race)?

You mean we got the Mag’har Orcs like 10 years later, and not even the ones from Outland? That is even supported by Lore.

Oh are you really on copium because alliance didn’t get Vulpera?
Wait. You wanted the Vulpera, didn’t you?

If anyone was serious they would’ve found that alliance has been as much favored by Blizzard as Horde was. Perhaps even more.

Giving “void elves” customization to look like Blood Elves is the utmost and undeniable proof that crybabies will get their way if they don’t stop crying and calling out Horde Bias.

Wait and see. They will want their “allied race” High elves added and they will stop at nothing.


They really shouldnt have though, and they made lore reasons to enforce it.

Saying they should have been neutral is completely your opinion and there is no real factor enforcing it.

We also had argus that was pretty much all dreanei content and ppl say that was all alliance content, but as horde I didnt see that, I didnt look through this race only lens and decide which race goes where.

I dont hear anyone complaining how we both helped the army of the light or the conjuring of the void elves and how they only went to alliance.

Its all this self made victim complex, they see what they want and ignore what is inconvenient.

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Dude, you just typed an essay excusing every single thing Horde has gotten that they wanted and topped it off with “That’s why Horde bias doesn’t exist.”

What point are you trying to make here?

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You typed an essay.

I just showed that you have bias in your arguments and they don’t even reflect the reality. Stop being delusional.