The Infamous Horde Bias

If there was a Horde bias why did Blizz move the cave in AV to create a 99% winrate Alliance bg?

i have a theory: alliance is the new player faction. people who are fans of tolkien and other fantasy stories are attracted to elves, gnomes and dwarves. if the new player has a horrible new player experience, et. al, cant win a single battleground, cant find a guild or a raid or low level m+, some portion of them will just quit rather than go to the faction with orcs, goblins, minotaur and trolls. if they manage to stay around long enough to learn about the horde, they may switch to horde but they have to stay around long enough to learn.

The Alliance has gone from like 53/47 at the start of Cata (IIRC) to around 36/67 today according to WoW Analytica in North America. That’s nearly only 1 in 3 now.

Are we really going to write it off as a pure coincidence that the Alliance player base began to spiral down around the time the first major instances of Horde Bias began to become documented?


Most PvP maps favor Alliance and that makes me a little salty as someone who really enjoys casual PvP.

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Could we have a race of minotaurs?? taurens don’t really tickle that bone tbh

P.S. And centaurs!

Pretending to be horde again when you admired your alliance from EU.

He’s glorious.

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BTW: A few more instances, a lot of them narratively.

1.) Ion’s response to High Elf customization. “If you want to play high elves, the Horde is waiting for you.”

2.) Nightborne going Horde was, perhaps, one of the most crappy things Blizzard has ever done to Alliance. You spend an entire expansion helping to save their civilization, and the next time you see them, they’re all trying to kill you in an Island Expedition. Zero Fs given how that made Alliance players feel. As an honorable mention, it’s worth noting that out of the 5 least played races, 4 are Alliance Allied races. The other is Gnomes.

3.) The War of Thorns was so unevenly done - Alliance experience a 2 week slow burn, losing and getting pushed further back, getting their butts handed to them, getting their lore characters obliterated
 and have to go through a 5 minute unwinnable quest to frantically try and save people from the Horde’s wrath only to fail and nearly die themselves. The counterpoint? A single 20 minute instance where you nearly fail 3 times to take Undercity, then only get it because Sylvanas already evacuated everyone and let you have it
 and rubs it in your face.

4.) The amount of times Alliance players have to remind Blizzard to stop having NPCs treat them like second class citizens. Vol’jin’s rebellion originally had given Alliance players the option to ask: “Uh, why are we helping you exactly?” and Vol’jin just literally rubs your face into the mud. Only after serious backlash did they give another dialogue option that gave Vol’jin a slice of humble pie.

Then there was the entire Darkshore Warfront - it took editorials from Red Shirt guy to make that anywhere even close to a satisfying “revenge” moment for Tyrande, the first drafts being so pathetic, with Tyrande and her “god like powers” merely inconveniencing annoying Nathanos. Nonetheless, once we killed a single Valkyre, Blizzard wrote it off “and now Alliance has their revenge and we’re done with it”.


Aren’t void elves as much high elves as blood elves?

Alliance got void elves

War isn’t usually evenly done
 give and take, but it differs.

Alliance leaders are usually rude to my character when talking to them after killing whatever threat there was. I don’t see a problem. :confused:

Because that was a “to be continued
” for the next expac.

Which ended up like trash because of making the “right” choices.


They are, but most Alliance players were pretty POed at the idea the only way they could play a High elf, a cornerstone of Alliance lore since I wanna say Warcraft 2
 was to be doped out on void energies and have powers that reflect it.

Since then, Blizzard has - at least - met Alliance players halfway with some customization options. Still don’t get why they have such resistance to giving Alliance something they really, really want that hurts no one to get.


A doped out on any power of any races
 is still that race at a base.
A dugged human is still a human after all is said and done.
A very successful human is still a human and not a god among men.

I really don’t see the issue
 they were “all” born high elves and then changed through whatever unfortunate circumstances they faced.

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You don’t have to. No one’s trying to convince you. If this entire thread hasn’t even made a dent, what possibly can?

Play the damned game.

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Says the other nerd on the forums? lol

I was eating and now i’m flying to camp a rare.

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Proud of you, bae.

So are your ancestors.

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yes, the issue he’s referring to, was back in legion i do believe. players were asked what allied races they wanted and to report it on the forums. top requested alliance were high elves and vrykul. top requested horde were ogres and san’layn. nobody got what they wanted, though alliance came closest with void elves, many of us were not thrilled. it was both exciting and disappointing. happy they gave us more options now, we just need some new hairstyles.

ty and he has a twin. so she has one on each side. stylin’. hehe

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I would like to know if there were threats made against Blizz over Arthas. That could be your proof, because Arthas is arguably the most popular Alliance character the franchise has ever had, and they turned him into a ball of energy Sylvanas puts out. The complaint threads were kind of tame compared to what I saw in BFA over Saurfang or Sylvanas.

Personally, I don’t think the factions are all that different. They both have bad apples. Only thing I would say is Horde attracts a louder bunch. I wore an Alliance shirt to the Warcraft movie opening and had a long-haired dude yell, “For the Horde!” in my face. I still think it was funny tho lol