The Infamous Horde Bias

Divide and conquer distraction for bigger issues with the game.


No if you already have the alliance one you get the Horde one and if you logged in back during the day and got the horde one you get the alliance one . You only have to acquire one to get both .

Bumblebee mount.

Nuff said.


can not wait for the day hoping soon the alliance gets the villain bat treatment and the forums light up saying do not do this blizzard.

then what you want a story for the alliance or the kill evil horde leader treatment which the horde will have another quest?


When those bikes were first added, only the Horde version was available. It was planned to be that way if not for the backlash, they had to make an entire new bike for alliance AFTER realizing their mistake. Like how unprofessional is that?


This is fine but the other way around shouldn’t be the only requirement. Like, if a Horde member doesn’t want to buy that stupid bike then they shouldn’t have to to get the chopper.

Good. Punish the alliance peasants.

I’m just giving options

I have the horde one and I honestly haven’t used a straight ground mount only since maybe MoP.

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The funny part is that the Alliance has had the bias since BFA, but they are so uninteresting that they don’t even notice it.

Horde at it’s worst > Alliance at it’s best.


That’s not true. I have the ugly horde bike (and the corresponding FoS) but I still haven’t shelled out money for the ugly alliance bike and thus I cannot use it.


Maybe after a few more years of Horde bias we’ll finally be equal for the Onyxia attunement in Vanilla.


No what I am saying is make it so if you have one factions bike , you get the other factions bike .

A couple of posts above the one you quoted

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well the lead developer of Warcraft is a Horde that doesn’t play Alliance, kind of crazy how someone that over looks the game only plays half of it, because of this alone it is easy to believe that there is Horde bias.


That’s cool OP. But who asked.

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At first I thought you were assuming but damn you’re absolutely right. He doesn’t have Double Agent.


To be fair. All he legit does is M+ and Raid. he’s a raid logger. He didn’t even get BFA pathfinder.


As an aside, remember when Jaina led an invasion that killed King Rastakhan? And then, when she helped spring Baine out of Baby Jail like a week later, the Zandalari who just signed on with the Horde had to work directly with her and basically tell her “Mon, I’m cool with you actually, this war has gone on too long, we need peace.”

That was neat. The timing of a lot of BfA’s plot was neat.


How do you know this?

his account is public for all to see

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No he has double standards.

One rule for him another rule for thee