The Infamous Horde Bias

8 minutes :grin:

In case you didn’t notice there were a LOT more people with red highlites in their hair vs blue hair.

I call that was a subtle horde bias by all the devs on the streams. They were flaunting their bias in our face!!

/sarcasm off

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That’s just people being intellectually dishonest to justify a shark jump because they like it. That’s all that is. They should have really been digging into the races instead of calling a political body something it isn’t. By the time The Frozen Throne ended, the only thing left of The Alliance of Lordaeron was Theramore and the greater, independent Nation of Kul’tiras. Anyone even mildly interested in the lore and representing it well should’ve known that. Kind of a pain when people go down the road of double standards like you pointed out.


Do you think dragon flight ended the horde bias?

I think it will continue to ignore the alliance bias like regicide.

The only reason players “prefer the Horde” is because of the excessive amount of fanservice they’ve been given through the years. Anybody using this as some sort of excuse is blind.
If you can’t see how pandering to a group would make them a preferable choice, you aren’t here to argue anything - you’re just here to gloat.

The Alliance has been given niche interests vs more popular tropes for the Horde, and the popular tropes we did get were butchered.

The Horde got both of the beautiful “sexy” magic elves.
The male night elf looks like a trucker with back problems still and doesn’t cater to that audience, and never has. Teldrassil also happened, which became a focal point of marketing - causing one of the biggest racial declines in MMO history for population as a whole.

Horde got Dinosaur trolls with a unique aesthetic.
Alliance got obese humans with green Stormwind.

Alliance got one of the least popular races with mechanical assets slapped ontop of the original mode.
Horde got adorable fox furries - one of the most popular furry races -with fully custom models.

Alliance did get werewolves!
The female model looked like a botched angry chihuahua because having an attractive model was deemed problematic. The model still cannot even change it’s hair colour.

Nightborne had a presence for half of Legion, comics, a beautiful capital city, and a presence in other games like Hearthstone.
Void Elves can’t even ask for eye colours that fit their void kit without blood elf players going into a full blown temper-tantrum while we sit on a rock in space with tents. We have two hearthstone cards since our launch, btw.

People can whine and complain about traditonally evil races in fantasy getting the villain bat occasionally, and it being a part of their story to overcome that, but that’s still narrative focus. People can complain about how they don’t like it, but you know what you signed up for when you look at the racial history - very few of the Horde races are stable. If you don’t like how the Horde’s been written for 20+ years now, that’s a you problem.

Alliance needs some TLC and fanservice.
And if the concept of that is somehow offensive, then you’re a part of the problem. Doing stuff like fixing the male night elf model, giving some narrative focus to and finishing the void elf kit, letting the Alliance be aggressive and actually attack something for once, and maybe giving us a race we actually asked for without monkeys paw’ing it for once would be nice.

I swear, I have to play other games to get the stuff I want out of the Alliance because they just let this faction rot.


Nobody tell this dude about Blood Elf history, and why they left the Alliance originally, or how they settled into Quel’thalas.

visible shaking

I’m here for the mesoamerican aesthetic, always loved Aztec culture, the Dino’s are a plus.

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Okay make a different bike model or make both bikes cross faction. Or some other reason that doesn’t scree with this legal issue.


Is it horde bias of alliance jealousy?

Idk seems like alliance has most of there racial leaders alive, and they win every war in the story. And are never the bad guy even when they do something bad.


Well yeah, I’d say that many Alliance players are jealous that the devs of Blizzard have vocally expressed that they are Horde fanboys.

This is more Blizzard’s writing than anything else. They think that compelling story is that the, “bad guys” are misunderstood outcasts. The Alliance are used as foils for the Horde’s development in most cases. We also don’t really ever get to do anything, “bad”. The Alliance are whitewashed.

Our racial leaders are largely ignored as well, except Anduin. Tyrande is
 well, she always loses and is used to further other characters’ stories.

This whole expansion had a night elf focus. A whole zone on basically there religion and dealing with elunes sister. Horde lost Slyvannas as a racial leader, meanwhile Tyrande got more strong shoulders and elune powers.

She even beheaded Nathanos at the start. I doubt you would see the horde doing that to any alliance leaders.


50 renown
Lower ilvl than my alt.

Crap he hates this expansion too!

The man doesn’t even transmog. Truly an uncultured swine! :pig:

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Horde faction imbalance was due to getting blood elves. OMGRACIALS was not a drop in the bucket compared to people wanting to play the pretty elf race.

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I’m sorry, did we spend the whole expansion in Ardenweald and not in three other covenant places as well?

Which amounted to literally nothing. She lost her powers when she finally had the chance to take out Sylvanas. They also spat on Night Elf lore throughout the expansion, from the burning of the tree in BFA to Elune deliberately allowed the souls of the Night Elves to be used as fuel - though instead sent to the Maw to suffer due to the Jailer.

Yes, she did exactly what he wanted her to do.

Faction imbalance at the higher levels in the more competitive areas aren’t related to the pretty race.


And nothing good came out of it? Tyrande loses her powers right before she tries to choke an undead high elf because her goddess doesn’t approve of it. Before that their race had an official described genocide and the players didn’t even got a Heritage Armor out of it?

Everything the Night Elves did was for almost nothing. You simply forget that the Alliance is a minority player faction by design due how much the Horde got pushed. Of course you would resist the idea of them being on equal foot because this would mean you would have to share the fun they do not have. Their whining is a symptom of the Horde bias and favoritism for over a decade.


Competitive top end players are an insignificant minority compared to the casual playerbase. They won’t swing a faction imbalance that hard.

Except the trickle down effect means that if you want to do anything remotely competitive - it seems now even doing Heroic raiding - you need to be Horde. For PvE and PvP.

The horde was used as a foil for night elves. We were constantly helping the night elves in the campaigns. And Tyrande got a ton of cutscenes where horde didnt get much.

The alliance has taelia and bolvar. Basically alliance dominated ebon blade. Horde basically lost there most powerful undead figure in Slyvanas. And the alliance has more stronger death figures now, especially with Anduin basically being a former dk too.

Our horde characters barely did anything. I was helping Jaina mostly, someone who led an attack on my city and killed my king -.- and getting shade from the alliance I was helping throughout the expansion while being a slyvanas loyalist.

Storywise alliance is always winning horde is always losing. Baine can’t even do anything half decent half the time, he mostly just sat in Oribos. Jaina> horde characters and Thallysra cant even match her as a powerful ancient mage in a super mana focused society.


This is because of poor writing. It’s either an Alliance or Horde expansion for over a decade and the trend started with Cataclysm.

For someone who plays both sides you should have known this better: There is never a true winner which is why the genocide is so controversial because the Horde “won” this in comparison how the Alliance-raid on Undercity went through. No civil causalities but the majority of Night Elves died.

And they build the current Alliance leader up to be an enemy. The only question will be if Yrel will join the fun too or not.

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